Stopped playing?

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Well-known member
Aug 16, 2013
Manchester, UK
Hi guys,

As my last post in this genre noted - my baby had a seizure after falling about a week ago and had to go to the vets. His health is absolutely perfect according to the vets, he's ideal weight, his fur is fine, pooping and peeing fine and eating and drinking. The only thing that is really worrying me is he is just not playing the same at all! I've done a pretty thorough examination (eyes/ears/nose/fur/abdomen/anus etc) and can't find any symptom that suggest he's sick, so I'm stumped.

More info: he has always been major playful and like a little ball of fur whizzing around and causing mischief, to the point where my partner and I cannot keep up with him and sometimes he could be a right little handful. He used to popcorn and wall surf constantly, and loved running round the bath at 100 miles an hour (I dry the bath out first, obviously - but just to clarify!). That has completely stopped. He just seems to like lying in the little wooden house he has at playtime. And won't come out unless we coax him, then he might play a little but nowhere near as much.

I'm wondering if he's just angry or cautious because he hasn't been out much since his incidence, because the vet recommended cage rest and I, cautiously, gave him a full week of this so I could observe him and make sure he was ok (the seizure seriously freaked me out). He seemed ok with this, but I'm just wondering if it was a factor. I still interracted with him in his cage and gave him new toys to play with so I don't think he'd be out of the habit of interracting with me? I'm just worried about him, he's not the same.

Any advice would be great, thanks!