Some pictures!

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Dot lives forever!
Jan 29, 2009
As some of you know, I am wanting a chinchilla tattoo. I needed to take a ton of pictures so my artist could get a good idea of what a chinchilla looks like. (Yes,all the guys at the shop got a kick out of a chinchilla tattoo...not something they've seen before --and their jaws dropped when they asked how many I had LOL).

Here are some of the pictures I've taken over the last few days, more to come as well! Going up today to take just some random shots =)


  • chinresize.jpg
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Aww Megan, they are beautiful! I just love the mosaic in the 3rd pic!
I'm doing one tattoo, on my leg. Going to have the chin standing up holding a flower.... I took a ton of pictures so they can get reference. I didn't really care WHICH they use :)
Yay, chin pics again! I was so sad not seeing them everyday. I love them all, and what a cute idea, you better post pictures as soon as you get it done!
I will make sure to post pictures! I go in Feb. seems like so long! I'm so excited. I believe we are just doing a basic "portrait" tattoo , so just lots of line work. The artist i'm seeing is the same one who did my first(and only so far).. I'm glad it's him, as he's great...and very nice!
Aww, after looking again....and again:D I like the 2nd Mosaic too. It's like he's just waiting (hoping?) for an apple twig!:p
Hehe, actually both whites are the same chinnie! ;-).
Ash- the picture I REALLY wanted, the black velvet wasnt' good enough ..soo I just took a bunch of pictures and pretty much said "here ya go, you pick" LOL
LOl...that's funny! They look like 2 different chins in those angles.
I dunno? I guess i'll find out when I go in and get inked ;). I shot them an e-mail w/ the pics, they were supposed to get back to me..but my friggin e-mail isn't letting anything through.. It will let me send, but not receive.
LOL< the third one is the only one I DONT want to use.

See heres the tat idea: It's going to be on the calf area of my leg, but the left side of that leg. Chin standing up, holding a rose in its front paws--similar to how they hold a treat/piece of hay.

Now, if I have the balls to continue to do it, the flower will be key to continuing on with a leg piece.
Mine is on my calf... i heard horror stories about how bad it hurt there...yeah they're just wimps... unless I am superlizzo??? *ponders*
I heard how its NOT bad on the calf area... we'll see :) I have one on my right shoulder on my back...and it was a piece o cake...preparing myself that the calf will hurt like crazy....just incase :)