Sleeping spots changed, normal?

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Well-known member
Mar 15, 2012
Texas, USA
Is it normal for my chin to like sleeping in her fleece bed on the top shelf of her cage ad then randomly decide she is going to spend the day in her hidey house?
Ever since I got her last month from a friend, she has loved sleeping on the top shelf. And even before I got her she did. Is this normal? Could she be feeling threatened? If that's it maybe once I get her FN 142 it will help since she will be farther from the cats and dogs.
Oh yeah, Vincenza switches sleeping places all the time. The pattern usually goes:
tube, house, ledge, tube, tube, ledge, house.

When I get up, tube
When I get home, ledge near the Window
I don't know, my cat has been paying too much attention too Elle lately. Elle usually hates her house. hopefully the new cage will help, she's in a crappy super pet "chinchilla" cage right now.
My chin has several favorite sleeping spots. She might have one spot she spends more time on/in, but she will occasionally choose another spot to sleep. An upper shelf, on and in her tunnel hidey, her wooden hidey, and I also have a long pvc pipe in her playpen that she will sleep in.
My girls sleep all over. Mostly together but sometimes I find them sleeping on opposite sides of the cage from each other as well. Chinchillas are silly. I wouldn't worry about it. If you're concerned your chin is too close to the other animals is there a way you could put her cage on top of an old table or something? Get her further away? Some people also find that covering the top of their chins cage makes them less anxious.
Our does this occasionally, she's got a hammock, a hidey house, a fleece "tent" and a fleece pocket to sleep in. 9 times out of 10 she sleeps on the top shelf. Sometimes she just flops down with her head in her food bowl. A couple times lately we've spotted her nodding off on a perch that just happens to be directly in front of the AC. A few weeks ago she was fast asleep stretched out on the flying saucer (I still dont know how she got into that position without either tipping it over or just falling off). I worried a few times too, its pretty odd for her to break habit. Now i just assume she has a bit of chinnarcolepsy and when the need to sleep strikes, she stops drops and snores.
Funny Lilnue,mine sleep on their flying saucer ocasionally too. I don't know how they sleep on a tilt.. anyways they always change where they sleep all the time... maybe she just doesn't feel like looking at the cat.. sometimes the they go through phases and sleep in different places. I know mine do.