
Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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Well-known member
Jan 31, 2009
Lately, past 3 weeks or so, the weather where I am has been quite volatile; it's hot one week & then it's cold the next (there was wet snow last weekend).
My white chin has been shedding a lot & this started when the weather became hot. I thought that was normal because the weather was getting warmer. When the weather was getting cooler again, he wouldn't stop shedding. He literally looks like a porcupine (most of the fur that sheds come from the lower back) with his loose fur sticking out. He's had dust bath 2-3 times a week since he started shedding (hoping that the dust bath would somehow get rid of the loose fur), but it's not helping. I also tried brushing him with a rabbit brush (I don't know where to buy a chinchilla brush), which is a lot wider than a chinchilla brush. The brush did catch some of the loose fur, but it seems like he has A LOT more loose fur. Even the bars of his cage look like they're covered with spiderwebs (but they're actually his loose fur).
Is this normal? What can I do about it?
Would it help if I brush my shedding chinchilla with a chinchilla brush?
Chinchillas are usually groomed with combs, not brushes. Instead of brushing front to back, you go from the tail to the head. It may take several groomings to get the worst of it out.
I recently bought a comb from the local pet store for my chinchilla. It was a 2-in-1 with a medium and fine tooth comb on it. It cost $10.99. Allie was shedding a LOT and I needed to get rid of all that extra dead fur. It took a couple of sitting but I got the bulk of it out. I also brushed from tail to head. Be forewarned though...your chin may not like it. I know Allie put up a fight at first.

Good luck!