Seizure/stroke/nerve damage??

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The key with fits is not to panic (easier said than done, I know ;) ) but to note the sequence of events which lead up to the fit - exercise is a fairly easy one for example. Keeping a note of the run-up to a fit helps the owner, the vet, and the chin - the more info you can gather the easier it is to at last try to work out why. Then you can make a plan to reduce or eliminate the causes of the fits.
It's also worth noting that fits can have a variety of symptoms or signs - just because the chin is not shaking like a leaf or thrashing about violently does not mean it is not a "fit".

Personally I would not take a chin to a vet unless the fit lasted for more than a few minutes, there was lasting residual effects (lethargy, weakness in an area of the body - left side, right side, back legs etc) or the chin continues to fit on a regular basis without "cause". Taking the chin to a vet is stressful and can cause further problems (stress can = fit).
Blood tests are often skewed in chins due to the stress the animal is placed under by attending a vet anyway - blood glucose levels can be artificially raised for example - so multiple tests would need to be done in order to reach any real conclusion (unless, of course something was way, way off).

I'd give her any treats first and see if it makes a difference - like I said above, I think these food excitement fits occur more often than is reported because people do not notice and recovery is rapid.

Good luck and please do keep us posted on her progress. :)
Claire, I really hope that she was having a "food fit" But I really don't remember if I was giving them their treats when it happened the 1st time. We are paying close attention to her that way if it does happen again we can maybe figure out if it is only around treat time or if there is another factor. I'll keep yall posted as the Matilda saga continues... LOL!!
I remember that when I first began using LifeLine as a supplement, some of the boys would kinda sniff it, and shake their heads a little before chowing down - don't know if it was like 'disbelief' shaking or a 'Oh Oh Good' shaking, but they all ate it! Weird!
I remember that when I first began using LifeLine as a supplement, some of the boys would kinda sniff it, and shake their heads a little before chowing down - don't know if it was like 'disbelief' shaking or a 'Oh Oh Good' shaking, but they all ate it! Weird!
Eh? What's this got to do with anything?
That's not what is being talked about here Rick and it's certainly not anything like an excitement (food) fit. :rolleyes:

Aimee I do hope you never have to work out a cause - I hope those two fits are the only ones she has. :)
one of my chinchillas did the same thing and she died it was my baby standard female, a few months later i had another baby chin that jumped and when she landed i heard her squek when i got up she was doing the SAME thing that my other chin had did before she passed away...she recovered within minutes but the first chin progressively got worst she died before i could even get ahold of a vet...... :(