Say Hello to Jacob!

Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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awww jacob is such a cute name for such a cutie. how about mr. Jacob tibbs with Jacob being silent ?
Just look at Mister Jacob Tibbs mug!!

As you most know, Mudslide is a very agreeable dog. Nonconfrontational, easy-peasy with the chins, etc.

So tonight...Muddy runs into my computer room...very animated. Just figuring she needs to go out, I go to get up from my chair and what do I see...but a little Ebony face peeking out from under the couch.

I sequestered Mudslide to her couch to investigate. Mister Tibbs had escaped from his FN142!!!

Figuring I need to do some double-duty-treat-incentive trickery to get Tibby back to his cage, I gathered some supplies.

I cornered off an area with some cardboard and then I spied him...

And what did he do? He ran right into my arms…I put him in his cage…game over.

I love my animals!!!

The Culprit!


The Oblivious


The Hero!

Oh my gosh Annieo the escape story with photos was so darned funny to me this morning. I love my chins too. Each is so different and always happy to see me.

Your dog photo is precious. I love the captions.
I love the guilty look on Jacob's face once he was back in his cage!! He's adorable! And what a good boy coming right to you. It has taken me cheerios & a dust bath lure to get my boys out from under the couch!!!
He just wanted to take a tour of the house :D I'm so happy Muddy was there to save the day.