Raisin Has Passed

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Well-known member
Dec 4, 2009
My poor poor little Raisin, who fought like a champ against malo and GI stasis for nearly 6th months is gone. He had been going up and down, but never appeared to be in pain, still eating and acting playful. He was on medicine and subcu fluids for a long time though. Last night he started acting different, unable to hold himself upright and stretching his belly out. It was the first time in all of this that he looked to be in pain and well, in a way, looked to be giving up. I rushed him to animal emergency knowing that I was going to have to put him to sleep. I have never in my life lost a pet, and this is tearing me apart. I knew that he wasn't going to get better, and while the vet offered pain meds, I didn't want him to suffer anymore with needles and belly aches, and he looked to me like he was ready. So I told him it was ok, he could rest now. I was unable to be in the room when they put him to sleep. My mother and father went in there with him and said he was in peace. I just wanted to remember my beautiful little baby happy and active. This has torn me apart, while i've been trying to prepare myself for this, I always hoped he would pull out of GI stasis. He fought a great fight, and I think that I did everything humanly possible to keep him happy, comfortable, and with a good quality of life. I promised myself when the problems started that if he looked like he was giving up and ready to go I would let him go, and so, last night, I let my angel go. My world feels so different already. I can't eat or sleep. All I can do is cry and feel guilty for putting him to sleep. I wonder if I did it to early, or maybe too late. I tried to make unselfish decisions regarding his care. I am fortunate to still have Dusty and Houdini my other 2 chins, however, through all of the sickness with Raisin, we got very attached. It became routine, he would sit on the counter in front of me and eat up his critical care and gobble up his medicine (he loved it!). He would let me rub his belly, and would just sit on my lap. My remaining 2 chins, are not cuddly, do not like being held, and will nip your fingers if you aren't careful. I feel guilty that I became so much more attached to Raisin. My goal is to build more of a bond with my other 2 guys. But it will never be like what I had with my Raisin. I intend on making a memory book with pictures and writing down all of my favorite memories of Raisin, so that I NEVER forget what a beautiful, happy, cuddly, sweet chinny he was. This is so painful, I feel like i'll never stop picturing the last time I saw him as they took him from the room. I'll never hear his chattering, watch him gobble another raisin, or spin through his dust bath again. I miss my baby so much already. I was not prepared for how I was going to feel, but how could I be? Raisin, you will never be forgotten, it was an honor and a privilege to be your mommy. I loved you Raisin, and I will never stop loving you. I will take wonderful care of your brothers, and one day, I hope you'll be my treasure in heaven. :cry3:
I am so very sorry for your loss.

Letting him go as he wished and respecting it shows how much you cared for him. So don't beat yourself up on this, for I am sure he would not want that.
Unfortunately or fortunately you will not find another like him for he is unique, and that is how it should be.

Love and remember him for what he was in his uniqueness, for you are blessed with two other wonderful boys that are as unique in there own way.

He will wait for you and his brothers on a chinny cloude with his little wings.

Very sorry again :(
*hugs* That you were able to let him go at all is a greater gift than many pet owners can manage. He knows he was loved, and I'm sure he'll be having a grand old time at the Rainbow Bridge until you go pick him up for the next adventure.
im so sorry for your loss.
i know that feeling of losing a pet, i handle it the same way you do. just give yourself time and try your best to relax. just keep in mind that you did one of the most unselfish things possible, you did what was best for him. he sounds like he was a fighter, so im sure he was letting you know he was ready.

bond with with other two, somehow i believe animals know when we're in pain.

i promise that raisin will be waiting on the other side of the rainbow bridge.

as for now, hugs.
I am so sorry you lost your sweet Raisin. I know that was a very hard decision to make, I have been there as well, in the end all we can do is let our Angels fly away from their broken bodies and rejoice in the fact that we will be together again
oh i am so sorry for your loss - there is nothing like the pain of losing your first pet. don't feel guilty for putting him to sleep, it's the best thing you could have done for him, to let him go in peace, without suffering. i've seen too many owners who wait too long & you feel so bad for the animals. you did the right thing - you wouldn't have wanted him to be unable to do normal chinnie things. please don't think you let him go too soon; you spent 6 months nursing him at home, that counts for a lot. the scrapbook idea is great - i actually made one with my mom when my bunny passed away (my first pet) two years ago. i cried nonstop while doing it, but i felt so much better having a beautiful way to remember her & share her with others. we also planted some forget-me-nots in her memory. it's understandable that you forged such a close bond while nursing raisin, you spent much more one-on-one time with him. i hope you find peace with your decision. if you haven't already, read the rainbow bridge. i hope you start to feel better soon. get in touch if you need somebody to talk to.
I'm so sorry for your loss. Please know that you did a brave and unselfish thing. Raisin knows he was loved. I know how you feel. Having to put down your first pet is heartbreaking. Know that you did the right thing. Raisin is watching over you and his brothers. :hug2:
:hug4: :tissue: :hug: :angel8:
I'm so very sorry for your loss. I remember when I lost my first pet, a hamster named buttercup, on Christmas Eve. It is "normal" to be as upset as you are, and don't let anyone tell you any differently. You did everything right for Raisin. You were the best mommy he could have asked for. Don't feel guilty about giving him more attention than the other chinchillas, I promise they won't hold it against you.
There is a very creative girl on this site whose username I forget, whose name is Rachel. She put her little baby chin in a nice pot and planted some beautiful flowers on there, because she believes very much in the cycle of life. I love this idea, personally, and wish I had had time, in retrospect, to have done this for Ivan and Orson.
Perhaps you can find a place for Raisin, either a permanent plot of earth or even something you could take with you if you moved, with some flowers that will remind you of him every time they bloom. You'll know with especially beautiful flowers that he's thinking of you. :hug4:

Please take care of yourself. Get out or stay in, eat a tub of ice cream, take a long bath...or don't shower until you feel like it, whatever makes you feel better. No one will be mad at you if you just wanna sleep and cry for a few days. Just remember you did everything right and nothing wrong with Raisin. You did a great job with him. I'm sure I'm not the only one who was touched by how hard you fought for him. Feel better.
With love,
I'm so sorry for your loss. I know it's hard not to feel guilty, but what you did was out of love and respect for Raisin. I have had to let two beloved pets go. It is a very hard decision and hard to let go of the guilt. Give yourself some time.
I can tell from your post just how special Raisin was and it is so so hard to lose such a beloved friend. He is at peace now, and is watching over you. I am so sorry for your loss
I don't think you have anything to feel guilty about. That story made me cry. Try to distract yourself with your other chins and I think the book is a good idea.
The fact that you have so many good memories shows he had a good life. Otherwise, you wouldn't have any of those good times to look back upon.

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