Question regarding pine bedding

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Well-known member
Dec 4, 2009
So I just switched my bedding over from Carefresh to kiln dried pine shavings. Is there anything I should be aware of now that I have switched? 2 of my chins nibbled the shavings for a few and then moved on. However my 1 guy is acting like it's Christmas morning and nibbling every piece of pine he gets his little paws on. Do you think he'll stop eating it after he gets used to it? I made the switch because pine seemed much more cost effective, but I don't want to risk any health problems with this new bedding.
I wouldn't worry if they are chewing the pine shavings. I'm sure the novelty will wear off. And, after all, many of our chinchilla chew toys are made out of pine as it is a safe wood for them. I have a drop in grid for my chinnie cage so they can't get to the shavings but that's not because I worry they'll eat the bedding, I was hoping it would reduced the bedding and poops kick out of the cage. And I imagine it has reduced the amount kicked out but they still manage. :impatient:
My chins love when there are big chunks of pine in and amongst the shavings. They grab them, fight over them, and hoard them. As Carol said, lots of toys are made out of KD pine, and they don't actually EAT the wood, they just buzz saw it.
I've been using Pine Bedding for the last 8 months (which is when i got my little bugger)

no problems with her chewing on them