Prayers needed & some easy food suggestions

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Midwest Exotics

CnQ member since 2003
Jan 29, 2009
South Bend, IN
Just to give the run down..

Last saturday (april 18th) my cousin(35) gave birth to her & her husbands 3rd child. All went well other than a lingering headache & stayed well until the wee hours of april 23rd. Her husband tried to wake her up to feed their newborn son as he was crying at nearly 2:00 am. She didnt wake & was rushed into the ER to try to figure out what it was. They thought at first it wasnt AS serious & was something diabetic, but over the week we have learned it is much more serious. Upon tests & her unconsciousness they discovered that she had the worst stroke you can have, more than likely due to pushing & the hormone changes her body went through upon delivering. They still arent sure if this was caused from something viral that had stayed dormant in her body until the hormone change OR if this was just a harsh "typical" postpartum stroke. They think viral because of the symmetrical shape of the bleed, however all of her blood tests show nothing. As the CT scan showed there was bleeding in her basal ganglia (Thats in the middle of the brain & a very sensitive part close to the brain stem) They couldnt stop the bleeding & needed her body to stop it. She happens to be a "good clotter" so she HAS stopped further bleeding into her brain, however, she is no where near out of the woods yet. There is still major swelling & bruising going on. They have her fully sedated now & didnt want to do that to start with because more in her dulls things & isnt as good as a "clean" functioning body. On day three they decided to as her flinching when touched meant that shes in an immense amount of pain & put her into an induced coma to prevent her from waking.(the docs put it to us as imagining the worst headache youve ever had times 10) not good. On top of that this past weekend she got mastitis from not being able to nurse her son & the docs dont want to pump her as that will cause her body even more stress. She needs ALL her energy to be saved for healing. She had a fever due to all of this, but the fever broke a day or two later, which is also good news.
From what they can tell her responses were fairly good before being heavily sedated, but again they tell us that means very little right now. Tomorrow or later this weekend they are going to try to lower her doses in hopes to retest her responses & brain activity. Please pray for her.

They believe she can hear whats going on, which i find to be the hardest part to deal with right now. It would be one thing if she were in la la land, but it seems as though she does know whats happening, just cannot move, communicate, etc. (before the sedation of course) However, as my mom said, perhaps she will take some comfort in knowing we are all there for her.. Either way this is very upsetting.

My family & i still remain hopeful that she will wake up & either walk away from this OR will at least wake up. We have been told the best case outcomes & the worst case outcomes of how others have done with this type of issue. We are all willing to pitch in to do whatever to help no matter what happens, we are a very large & loving family, esp in times of need. She's certainly got the best of families to be there to help & stand behind her. This has made our family much closer, but its been very hard & stressful to keep things together.

There is a lot of misunderstanding going on with WHY this happened & WHY it was her. Those things cannot & more than likely will not ever be answered & is always hard. She is a great person, always helpful & kind & a phenomenal mother. She of all people didnt deserve this & most of all, her kids dont. They have barely even seen life & to see the rest of it without her will be a terrible thing. They are 5, 3 & one week. Her youngest son really needs to at least have a memory of his mother & her middle little girl is QUITE a mommy's girl & hasnt stopped asking for her since Thursday morning. This has been extremely hard on the kids, even though they take comfort in being with their aunts, uncle, grandparents & cousins. Also keep them in your prayers.

I am planning to head over to the house to spend time with the kids & do photos of the new baby. I want to capture as much of him right now as i can so when she DOES wake up, she can see she didnt miss everything. Plus i think it would be nice to hang up their pictures in her room.. if she wakes up & knows who they are she may take a lot of comfort in that, if she doesnt have a clue its not going to hurt.

Anyways, the family has created a web site so we can have a plan of whos to get the kids from A to B, meals, house & yard work, etc. Im going to be taking the kids here & there when i can to help out, but also wanted to send over a few meals in the next coming months.

Im not a great cook, but want to put all my efforts into helping where i can to ease the pain & take away some of that extra stress & to do's.

I am hoping to find things like casseroles or crock pot dishes that are easy to make, travel & make a lot at once as they have family that has also come in to help. Something that can be reheated easily & perhaps on the go style dishes would be best for them right now.

Please pleas please stop & take a few moments to pray for her, her husband & kid & the rest of my family during this time.

I thank my cnh family for any support & words to the big guy for us! She needs every bit of prayer right now to pull through!
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Wow, I am so so very sorry for your family, Kate. I will be keeping your cousin and the whole family in my prayers.
Oh Kate, this is terrible. I am definitely keeping your entire family in my prayers. I will also give an extra one for your cousin. I hope she comes out of this.
I am so sorry, what a terrible tragic story. I wish she had gone to the hospital to deliver the baby. Yes I believe she can hear you, so you can tell her what's going on. I will pray for all of you and her doctors. Is there a church for you or her that can arrange for meals to be made and brought?
Your poor cousin Kate. This is just terrible. Of course we will keep her in our thoughts and prayers.
So sorry to hear this. Wish I lived closer to help out with meals or something. I think taking pictures of her newborn and other 2 kids will be a wonderful gift to her when she does wake up. I will keep your family in my thoughts.
I wish she had gone to the hospital to deliver the baby. Is there a church for you or her that can arrange for meals to be made and brought?

She delivered at he hospital & was in the hospital for two or three days after having the baby, she was released & a few nights later this occurred. From what they tell us this wouldnt have been something they could have done much about, even if she were in the hospital when it started to happen.(or they say) She complained of a headache for a day or two, took something, it helped to dull it, but it came back. She called the doc & they told her to go into the ER if it continued into the next day... things didnt get to that point.

I do believe the church is helping out here & there as well, but the family is doing their part & i mostly just want to send things from the heart at this time too. Her little brother has been at the hospital day & night since it happened.. its been a rough week not only to have this happen, but seeing how lost the family is right now.

This is my mom's twin's daughter, so it really hit pretty close to home for us all.

Thank you all for the kind words, i really hope she makes it through this, the kids need her.
Oh wow, this is terrible. I will keep you guys in my prayers.

As far as food, I'd go with something like spaghetti and/or things for sandwiches (bread, lunch meat, cheese).
Oh no Kate! What a tragic story. I'll keep all of you in my prayers.

As for easy casseroles, a tuna noodle casserole is a REALLY easy one to make. So easy I don't use a recipe, so these are rough directions.

Egg or macaroni noodles
1 can cream of mushroom soup
1 can favorite veggies (corn, green beans, peas, etc)
1 can tuna, drained
salt/pepper to taste

Cook noodles. Put in dish and combine with mushroom soup, veggies (use some of the veggie liquid too), tuna, and salt/pepper. Stir, and add a bit of milk to thin if needed. Put entire dish in oven or microwave to heat. OR, to save time, I mix the stuff together and heat it while the noodles are cooking.
Its so sad. I really feel for your family.
Unfortunately I work with stroke patients everyday. And lately it has been a majority of people under 40 coming through.
I will add her to my prayers.

And pictures in the room are a great idea. Not only for her when she wakes up but for the people caring for her. To add a human side to her (which helps me) and gives them something to talk to her about even though she doesn't respond, like you said she can hear.
Kate I am so sorry to hear this news. I will, of course, pray for your cousins recovery. I do 100% believe she can hear you despite her being in the coma. In the few years I worked at OB-Gyn this never happened, even though we had heard about it and knew it could.
I am sending healthy recovery thoughts her way.
I wish you and your family the best. I will keep you all in my prayers!!
My positive thoughts and prayers are for your family and cousin.

When I used to work in the ICU, I had patients wake up and recognize my voice from when I talked to them while comatose.
I'll have positive toughts for all your family, specially your cousin.

As for receipe I have a good one but it might take a little time to make initially. You could do a big batch of spagetti sauce and use it for lasagna. I used the fast cook pasta (you don't need to cook prior to laying them on the sauce) it's a lot easier. Add cheese and whatever else and it can be frozen or cooked.
Thanks everyone!

Things are still going day by day & nothing much has changed..

Today they did some other tests & she is showing fairly promising signs. They have decided to keep her under until at least monday now. Everyday its been pushed back, but we all would much rather they do that than stress her body by taking her out only to find she should be put back under.

As of right now they arent wanting anyone to talk to her or touch her. They said that its too stimulating for her right now & any minor irritation takes away from her healing. As it does kinda make sense to us all its very hard not to be able to talk to her, esp for her husband.

Her husband has been debating taking the kids up there, but i really dont feel thats something they need to see right now. Its been left at, "mommy is very sick" & if that were me i would not want kaiden to see me like that because i know he would be scared. For one they arent going to understand much & i know they will want to hug on her & talk to her. If things come around in a very good way or a very grim way thats another story, but i dont think anything should be rushed at this point. Knowing her & how she is as a mother, there is no way she would want to put her babies through that.

I still have yet to make my way to the hospital & am not quite sure im going to at this point.. Im not sure that im ready for that mentally. We are also trying to have another baby & Chris has been freaking out about things. Its ok for him to be scared, i am too, but we cant live our lives in fear. (even though perhaps i should really take my own advice... the only thing i've been able to think about for the past week is my cousin.)

Again, i thank everyone for your kind words, prayers, vibes & whatever else. This is one of the first tragic events my family has had to deal with other than our elderly members, so this happening is so unreal & feels like a bad dream i cant wake up from.
She is young and basically healthy so I am hoping she pulls through this okay. It may be a long haul, but I have hopes in a year or two this will all be behind you! I have you all in my thoughts. I'm sending healing messages your way.