Potty training Chinchillas

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Snowy and 7 humans
Dec 19, 2011
So I heard that if you put a little bit of cat litter in a bowl and leave it then they potty train them to pee in tere but my chinchilla just eats it D8? I would imagine it's not good for him... Oh, it's unscented by the way. Also, how to you get them to use a hammock? I put some treats in there so he can go ahead and eat it but no, he wouldn't even go in unless I put him in there.. I made him little bed before but he used it as peeing station lol.. Anyway, please help! Thank you 8D
I wouldn't use cat litter... I'm not an expert, maybe it's safe but it doesn't seem like it, especially if he's eating it. I use aspen shavings in a 9x9 baking dish. For me I just found the corner they peed in, put it there and it's been great ever since. If you have shavings in the cage right now, put some that he's peed on in the dish with fresh ones and it should attract him to pee there all the time. If you have fleece like I did just try and find the corner he's using. The fleece will be hard there, I can see it on my dark colored.
As for the hammock, some chins will use it some won't. Just leave it in there for him, he may get used to it and start using it. My boys had one for bit and I never saw them in it, but I'd find poo in there.

Edited for spelling errors :banghead:
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Oh man.. That's the problem :( my chinchilla pees EVERYWHERE.. He hasn't found his... Pee corner I suppose..
You could always try the Aspen shavings in a baking pan vs a bowl. Baking pan is bigger and the jump to get in is lower. Try putting it in a corner. I'd definitely take the cat litter out though. Jasper peed everywhere before too, but he's gotten the hang of the litter.
It isn't so much training chinchillas. as much as it is training yourself to know where they pee. I don't bother it is just as easy to just clean the whole cage out. I clean twice a week. when I only had 1 or 2 I cleaned once a week
I got my chinnie to pee in her litter pan by taking soiled aspen bedding from her favorite corner and putting some in her litter pan and put the pan in that corner. She immediately started using it. But she did stray to another corner at one point so I have conveniently placed items in each corner so the only available area for her to pee is in her pan.
maybe if you put his bed in his toilet he'll go pee there =D
sounds like a upper class chin
might need fleece there!
mmm i let meimei pick a corner where to pee
and just put the toilet there
and then i didn't understand why he didn't go there because he'll pee all around it
and the opposite corner
it's like chasing him with a toilet underneath him =P
i figured out one day watching him with his bum bum hanging out while he peed
thus pee outside and around toilet -_- omg... (need bigger toilet)

problem solved
now there's da vinci peeing here and there
once you've seen their "peeing face/pose"
you know when they're going to do it,
quickly nudge them towards toilet or disrupt them peeing there, and he'll go somewhere else
and when succesfully peed in toilet always reward, after awhile they'll get it

my fleece liners get changed weekly
accidents get dabbed by paper towels
light spritz of peroxide on surface (not soak it) and wipe till dry

i remember something bad about cat litter.. dont remember..
I wouldnt trust any cat litter. I dont no if its a gender thing with potty training or not, but for my 5, it sure seems like it. My three girls trained themselves lol. And their pretty good at useing the littler pans. My boys however... are not! I just cant get them to do the same.
We finally got Vincenza to pee in her dish. It took a good month though! And we found we weren't putting it in the right place.
I didn't have any issue potty training Ozzy. But then again his first cage started with aspen chips all in the bottom. When i switched over to fleece and put the potty pan in there i used the same chips and he has never peed outside his potty pan yet. Guess i just got lucky. I can move Ozzy's potty pan all over the place and he will find it and pee pee in it. I have figured out the best place for it and it doesn't move from that spot. He wont even move it haha
I totally lucked out potty training my girl Chip! I put a bowl in her cage for hay, then all of a sudden she was using it to pee in instead. Makes my life a lot easier and I didn't even have to try :D
I have one that always pees in his supplement bowl. He's such a turd.


Still gotta love that' :p
I am new to having a chin. She is only 4 months old. She poops so much when out of her cage. I guess I'm wondering if this is normal chin behavior or perhaps an age or nervouse thing. Do people just accept the constant pooping when they are out? Will it slow down?
Chins can not control when they poop. This is normal for them. We just learn to live with it because our chins are worth it.