Possible Wet tail?

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Well-known member
Mar 21, 2009
Chester, Va
I have 4 chins in a cage together and noticed today that my beige's butt is wet looking. I also noticed that there is smeary poop all over the ledges and everything else in the cage which I figured was diarrhea. I was just wondering if there was anything I could give her to help with this. Is it contagious????? Should I seperate her from the other 3?

Please let me know asap ! I am so upset about this I dont know what to do.

Chins don't get wet tail. If she's got diarrhea to the point of it being liquidy, she needs a vet immediately. When we talk about diarrhea, we mean squishy poop, not liquid.

Are you positive it's only her and not the other cagemates?

ETA: She's going to be losing huge amounts of fluids with liquid diarrhea. She's going to need subcu fluids as well as something to stop the diarrhea.
I agree, she needs a vet right away. I'd get in the car, and phone them that you're on the way. This is too severe to be treated at home with a shreddie.
I would bring her to the vet as soon as possible. Have them do a fecal smear and a fecal float, and take blood. Giardia, or some other parasite could be the problem. Make sure to get critical care from the vet so you can hand feed her if you need to, and some probiotics and syringes. Good luck, I hope she gets better soon.
Its just smeary poop....like in other words softer than normal. No liquidy poops at all. And at her but (base of tail) its wet looking....i touched the fur to see if it was wet and its not its just stiff. I dont know if she has urinated on it or what. Other than that she is acting normal.
Don't wait, get your chin to a vet. I had a young chin die from giardia (which was causing bad diarhea). He had it before we got him, and we took him to the vet, but it was just too late. Don't risk it, they go downhill fast.