Possible new chin

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Well-known member
Jun 2, 2011
As some of you my chin bratty lost her cagemate about a month ago. She has been just kinda mopey since. We tried getting her a new wheel, cuddle buddy and new toys, and none worked. (the cuddle buddy worked for a few days now it sits at the bottem of the cage unused.) We have made the choice to get her a friend.( we are aware of 30 day quartine and have a seprate cage that we could set up if they don't get along) We have been looking around for a bit and are going into a big city tomorow and have made an appointment to go look at an extra dark ebony female that is 6 months old. She is at a small scale breeder (40-50 chins) and is proven to get along with other females. If we like her we can put a re-fundable depisot and would realisticaly pick her up in 3 weeks. :thumbsup:
This is her. My daughter has come up with Nusta which means princess and my other chins name means queen. (most of the time she is just bratty to EVERYONE)
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Wow, she's beautiful!!! Good luck, I hope once the quarantine is over that they become best friends!
She is beautiful. Although just because your new chin gets along with others.. it might not be the case with Bratty.

It depends on both of their personalities together.