Poop solution?? I think im on to something

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Mar 9, 2011
I know chins don't have bowel control, spare me.

I did think of something today though. My chins and I share a cage.. I mean room. I chin proofed this thin to the max but that gets me nowhere with playtime poops. Hooooowever, Socrates loves to hang out on the window sill and make eyes at the dog outside. He hangs there for a long time. The poops are way easier to gather from there when he does that. Ive trained him to do a few minor things but he's still pretty young so ... Who knows. I was thinking perhaps I could "train" him to hang out where I want him to(easy poop clean up places) by treating him half an oat or scratches or 1/100th of a raisin at playtime only one place a time. I tried this and had some luck (or he likes the window more) what do you guys think ? Impossible? What do you do for poops sake?
Doesn't enticing him to stay in one place defeat the purpose of play time? If you want him to run but be easy to clean up after, get him a playpen.

Also- No raisins. Use an unfrosted shredded wheat, an oat, a cheerio...
My chin has her "spots" around the room where she hangs out for hours. She almost never poops in her spots though. She'll only poop as she's running or eatting something, like one of her apple sticks.

Being honest, I don't think that would work. Like you said, they have no control over there bowls, so that kind of defeats the point. I use a dust pan and sweep up her poop as I see it, then vaccuum the whole room every few days. It's not that much work, only takes a few minutes each day.

I agree wtih GorillaJTA, it's best to give no raisins. Pinch of rolled outs, rose hip, extra apple sticks, ect, are good treats.