Please help!!!

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May 25, 2011
Blackwood, NJ
I have already posted this in the introduction section of the forum, but I severely need help! My name is Danielle and I have 2 chinchillas that are about a year old. When my boyfriend and I got them from a breeder she said that they were both male, but about a week ago I woke up to 3 baby chinchillas! They all started fighting so I had to keep rotating them out about every hour. On Monday, I had to rush the largest of the litter to the vet and he ended up passing away. While I was there I found out only the one nipple on Squee (the mom) is working, so I have to rotate them every 2 hours and supplement in between. The supplementing didn't really work out because some of the milk formula (thanks for the mixture tunes!) had gone up their nose from struggling to feed them. In fear of them getting pneumonia, I have to give them antibiotics using a needle under their skin every 12 hours, which is extremely difficult because of them squirming. I have probably gotten about 6 hours of sleep in the past week because I have to wake up every 2 hours to rotate them and I haven't been able to go to work either (and I really need money because of the vet bills). I'm now sick because of not getting barely any sleep. I have no one to help me out either. On top of all of this, I have to go to California from June 5th - 11th and there isn't anyone to rotate and supplement every 2 hours. If I put them in the same cage while my boyfriend is at work they'll kill each other, plus they need to be supplementing because they aren't gaining enough weight on their own. I live in South Jersey and I have already tried looking on Craigslist and finding a friend that has a female chinchilla that is currently nursing to help Squee, but everything has failed. Is there anyone that could help me out during that week or give me suggestions? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!!!
I am going away Friday - thru this Monday. I will be home on Tues. If you can get the kits to me I will hand feed them until you get back. I don't understand the antibiotics thing even if you did get milk up the nose. Do you live near Marlton?? There is an extremely good chin vet there. Let me know if this will work.
BY the way I hope you separated the male from the female. IF not you are going to be doing this all over again. Even if you did separate them immediately you still 'might' be doing it all over again in 111 days.
Hopefully getting them to Mt. Zion Chins will work out, if not I psted some ideas on your into thread... tryingt o think outside the box since you're in a tight spot.

hope you find a solution

BTW sorry you lost one of the kits.
Thank you so much for responding Barbra and I really appreciate your help!! I think I found someone that's in my area that has 2 female chinchillas that are currently nursing their kits and he is willing to take care of mine for the week I'm away. I'll let you know how everything works out.

The vet said that getting milk into their lungs could cause pneumonia, so I have to give them antibiotics so they don't get sick because they are so young. I live about 25 mins from Marlton. What vet were you going to recommend?

Also, I did remove the male about 6 hours after she gave birth, so hopefully she isn't pregnant again.
Just be careful. Lots of females WILL NOT accept kits that aren't theirs. They will move quickly to kill the kits not theirs. The vet I recommend (she is the BEST) is Dr. Janice Goode at the Banfield An. Hosp (Petsmart) in Marlton