Pink ear

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Well-known member
Aug 8, 2010
Jo has a pink ear. Not both just one, pretty bright pink, and warm, it's not warm enough for heat stroke (65ish F) and He's not lethargic at all. Ideas?
Lots of times a pink, warm, floppy ear is caused by just keeping it close to their head like when they are sleeping. :thumbsup:
My Ginger has it too! I'm afraid something's wrong. She isn't over exerted and I have my house at 65 as well. Nothing in her environment has changed so I don't know what is going on. I feel like I should cool her down or something. It is bright pinkish-red. Other than that, she seems normal.
Sometimes chinchillas sleeping get warm ears, I see this a lot in cuddling chinchillas but also see it in single chinchillas a red ear does not always mean over heating
Sounds about right :) When I got home he was fine. Guess I am just a little bit careful. :)