pics of my 2 chins, day 1 observation and a ??

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Well-known member
Apr 15, 2010
Cleveland, Ohio
I have had my lil guy and girl for a full day now and as it seems, they are more and more scared of me every time I go near them. My thoughts on this is that last night they were just SO scared that they were just in "shock" and now they are starting to get used to the new home and me and are being cautious.....idk. Tonight when I got home from work, I cleaned the cage they came in *it was filthy*, took out the ramps that they chewed all up and added some ledges and new toys I got them today. They ran around the kitchen, pooping everywhere, and when I put them back in the cage, the male got out while I was still adjusting things, and I had my blackberry sitting on the floor next to me. Wouldn't you know it, the lil booger in one lil swipe, got a hold of the track ball and pulled it right out! Luckily I got it from him, but **** he was QUICK with that!!!

Anyway, here are a couple pics of my new lil furrrends! Question tho. what are their colors? The male is the white one (with a curly tail) and the female is the grey one





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I am not a breeder nor a color expert but I would say that the white one is a mosaic, what kind of dust are you using/going to use?? They look like the 2 newbies I just took in yesterday, they were using the pet store dust that made them look WORSE!! I use blue cloud, some use blue sparkle & I believe there are a few other good brands...

Very cute babies BTW!! Just give them time to settle in & they will bond with you!!
They are so cute! :)

We've had our 2 for just over a week and they're still settling in. We haven't managed to hold them since we were in the shop originally, and I think that was because the were so nervous .

Since then though, they've been coming out of the cage each evening and running round the lounge for an hour or so. Although they won't let us pick them up, they will jump over us or let us stroke them briefly.

I'm sure they'll get to be friendly soon enough!

They both look like mosaics
I would also suggest keeping them seperate as breeding two whites together is a bad idea. For many reasons and as cute as they are I would not pair those two together
I am slowly learning colors, so please be patient with me, but your male looks like a wilson white to me, and the female a mosaic. Anyone with authority on the subject, please feel free to correct me.

Cute little pair though! But definitely separate them or get the male neutered...
They are cute, congratulations. I agree with the separation suggestion, they should not be bred. Are they related? They really need some good dust! It is completely normal for them to be scared and unfriendly. They need time to settle into their new environment. Chins are not cuddly pets. They do not generally like to be handled at all. They may eventually let you pet them without freaking out and will jump on you during play time but most will run when you try to handle them.
I agree woth mosiacs as color, and with Kristy as far as keeping them separated!
Their color and size are close enough that they could be brother/sister!
Are you aware of their backgrounds?
And their sex? Even vets have mis-sexed chins!
Thanks for the help and info everyone. I just got them the other night (Wednesday) at 9pm, as a rescue. The lady I got them from said she has had them for a year and got them from a breeder (they were her Dads). She said she thinks the female is pregnant. Gee, wish I would have know all that!
I agree with your theory about them being shocked. My chin did that. At first, she was very tolerant but once she got a little more comfortable she shied away. Now she's almost back to where she was when I first got here. I know, it's weird but it makes sense if you think about it. Patience is all anyone can tell you for advice. In the mean time, they are mighty fun to watch in their cage!!

I give my chin her pellets through the cage bars as treats (she thinks its somehow better than the same pellets in her bowl...) and it's seemed to lessen her fear of me. Plus, you can give them "treats" as much as you want because they're just their regular food.
id seperate them immediately...white X white = lethal can come out with dead kits or they can die before developing etc......
Right, but if she isn't pregnant already there is no need to let her get pregnant so you should separate.
They are both mosaics and they need to be separated now. Dead kits are not the result of the lethal factor. The result is actually fewer kits conceived. The big issue with white to white is that you are asking for chins with crappy fur.
The male can breed her and get her pregnant with a second litter while she is still carrying the first litter. Please separate them ASAP or have the male neutered and keep them separate for six weeks.

Crappy fur=loose, open, cottony looking. It's not a desireable thing in chinchillas.

You also run the risk with too many poor quality mutation to mutation breedings with having kits not able to survive past 8 months of age.
When you separate them, the female may need to go into a baby safe cage, just in case she is pregnant. I am not sure of the size that the bars have to be, so someone with authority please feel free to remind me! :)
loose, open, cottony looking. It's not a desireable thing in chinchillas.
Very much like the fur that the lighter white has (along with the screw tail)...the two chins are not breeding quality and should not be bred. Did you get them so that they would breed? It seems like it, otherwise you would have separated them already...
I didn't get them to breed, and I am seperating them tonight. I got them as a rescue and going to do what I can to give them a long happy life they weren't getting before