Picky boys

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Active member
Oct 26, 2009
My two boys are sooo picky with their toys. They're making it difficult to buy them toys that they will spend time on. They will only eat the bark off the wood I get them and then they leave it. I was giving them pumice, but one of their poos starting turning light colors, so I've stopped that. They used to like loofah, but it's in the cage now and they are hardly touching it and they aren't fans of cholla. They do like willow and bamboo shredders, but as we all know those don't last very long. What's everyone's suggestions?
Aren't they funny that way? I one one that is extremely picky as well.

What's funny about her though is that if you don't give it to her for a long time (a month or two), she forgets that she doesn't like it and starts playing with it. This also has a downside because she also likes things and then gets bored with them.

The only one constant in terms of toys that she likes are the ones that frustrates the **** out of her... The hanging toys. If she can't get it easily, it keeps her busy with it forever. If she manages to get it down, she's bored and leaves it alone...
I'm so glad I'm not the only one! I hang their toys so they really have to work for it. It entertains me and them for a little bit! I love watching the stretch out and trying to reach for the toys. Their little tummies are so adorable!
I use the thin sticks for my picky chins because I feel they waste the rest as well. Some of mine enjoy the thicker sticks and will continue to chew them though.
Lol! My boys do the exact same thing! I'm cleaning sticks out of their cages every couple of days. The bark must be the best part!