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Well-known member
Oct 3, 2011
I was wondering how a person can go about informing pet stores how to properly care for chins in a way that will motivate them to do so. There is a pet store around here that has been carrying chinchillas for a while. First they were mislabeling pink-white chins as mosaics and charging more for them. They also keep them in aquarium tanks instead of multi-level cages. The rooms are always a little warm and the chins are always passed out. They have wire mesh wheels which I know are bad for their feet. Also last time we went they had a 6 month old male in the same cage with a 3 month old female, and I believe they are related. I have let the store clerks know about some of my concerns but they brush it off like it's no big deal and ignore me. I don't want to make it seem like I'm some kind of activist forcing my ideas on them. I just want to let them know what they could improve in their to make their chins happy healthy which will probably increase sales and customer satisfaction.
If it's a mom and pa store try talking to the owner. If it's a store chain call corporate. Try to stay nice about it as I have noticed that get you further than being very direct (mean) about the changes needed.
If you've never read the book "how to win friends and influence people" I would highly suggest it. Basically if you want someone to do something you need to think about it from their perspective and ask yourself how could the pet store benefit from doing the thing that you would like them to do. Also when approaching them, do so in a friendly way, remember to smile, be polite, and start off my complimenting something else they do in the store that you can genuinely admire. Another good tip is to try the "yes yes yes" approach. If you can ask the person your talking to several leading questions in succession that should all receive a "yes" response it will get them thinking in the affirmative and they will be more receptive to your suggestion, whereas if you get them thinking down a negative path they will more likely decline your suggestion. Also if you can read a name tag, or are given the name of the person you need to talk to, make sure to say their name. It makes you sound more familiar, and pays the person a little compliment by your having noticed and having had taken an interest in them. As for benefits that they may receive from taking your suggestions, I would try to key in on how improving the environment of their chinchillas on display would make the chinchillas more active, and active chinchillas are much more cute and their cuteness is one of their primary selling features. Also removal of the wire wheel will reduce the risk of injury, an injured chinchilla doesn't provide very much profit. Stuff like that is what should be of importance to the pet store, it'll be all about money, money, money. good luck.
That's why I never sell to pet shops. It's really not the employees' faults. Most them get a 1 page paper to read on rodent care in general and chinchillas are not like any other rodents. I agree, go straight to the owner, be nice and I think I need to read that book!
i have a pet store near me here in pittsburgh that i was concerned about as is aprivately owned store and i noticed that the two chins that they have are in a cage with no ledges and nothing to chew and since they are big on selling reptiles there, it is extremely hot!! Is there anything beyond talking to the owners that this is an unacceptable environment for them? I know they would just brush me off if i would say something to them.
Ask to speak to the store manager. Clerks can't do anything even if they want to in most cases, which in this case it sounds like they don't. Explain to manager why it is not healthy for chins to be kept in such conditions and guide them towards what is better. You are not going to be able to tell them they need multilevel cages with shelves, because frankly, they don't. They don't NEED it to survive. You can explain to them that toes get caught in mesh wheels and can result in ripped off toes or broken legs. They do need cooler temps, they should not be in an aquarium because of that. You can also explain to them that when any small animal, chinchilla, rat, etc., is kept in an aquarium, there is a build up of ammonia and heat in there that can be deadly to their respiratory systems which is why it is so bad for them. In the case of a chinchilla, it also causes them to overheat which can result in death.

As far as mislabeling for a higher price, that isn't going to change. They don't care of it's a PW or a mosaic, they just want money because it's not a standard. If it's a small mom and pop store, you can try referring them here. If it's a corporate store, they won't bother to look.

It's also nice to print up a well written information sheet regarding chins and you can always provide a link to this forum at the bottom. Do not be a rabid pet owner. Your purpose is to provide the chin with a safe environment, not a 6 foot tall cage with hammocks, shelves, chew toys, etc. You just want to see that they are providing a cool, comfortable environment for the little guys.
i actually spoke tot he manager about how he could make the environment better for the two chins that they have there. i told him about dust bath brecause it looked like the chins have never had one, i also mention about putting some wood in there to help chewing...not sure if he completey understood everything i was telling me but at least made an effort to try...any advice on what i can do besides buy these two little guys and get them to a safe home