Over a month now, vet is also stumped.

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Active member
Nov 20, 2012
Extremely long read ahead! I've been researching possibilities, cures, support, everything, for over a month now. I'm resorting to this because you guys seem knowledgeable and friendly; I don't expect a miracle answer, just more so support since there's not much anyone can do at this point. Talking with my friends who don't have chinchillas makes me feel like I don't have any friends, (I mean who would say "lol so you're having fun" to someone who has a dying child? No one. This is the same, isn't it?) so hopefully this will make me feel a little better about the situation.

Almost two months ago now I noticed my ~9 year old chin Bubble, The Boo, Honey, (One chin! He has many loving pet-names) making some odd 'dog-toy' squeaking noises when he ran. I knew something was wrong then, but no one would listen to me, and 'he looks fine' was what I got as an answer.

You're probably wondering why I didn't take him to the vet then and there, well, I wanted to, but I have horrible experience with vets, and live in a city that might as well not have running water. Two exotic vets in the entire province, and I've researched my ^&@# off. First experience taking him in was to a Dr. Dibblee I think her name was, Hfx. Bayers Road vet for any of you who might be from around here. Her and her henchman tried charging me over 800 dollars for tests they didn't even do. Did I mention they pointed to the bill with their middle finger and told me I should probably just have him put down?

My mother's boyfriend took his cat there. Once. The poor animal was sick for one day, they charged 1000 in testing and put him down the same day. The illness from years ago is still a mystery, but it's either an allergy to Alfalfa, or he just can't break down fats/proteins very well. (The chin, not the cat!) I know how to keep that under wraps now.

This is going to be the longest post ever, I'm really sorry in advance! This has been months of pent up emotion here, so much frustration. Anyways.. so the squeaking went away after about 3-4 days, and stayed away for a week. After that, it started up again, and I kept an eye on him. It turned into raspy breathing, gasping, etc, very quickly, so I made an appointment with the only other exotic vet in the city.

The doctor is actually very friendly, I like him, but doesn't seem to trust my judgement whatsoever. I've had this guy for almost 10 years, he's my child, if I say "This sound is not normal" don't tell me "Chinchillas do make noises sometimes.." The new vet put him on Baytril, a drug you guys all seem to know a little too well, and a drug I've also come to view as "That useless time waster/stress-inducer".

He started him off on a very, very low dose, then we worked up to a higher dose. About THREE WEEKS went by on Baytril, when he at first said it would be a one-week thing. Along with the Baytril he was put on a couple doses of Metacam. His condition went up, and down, making the situation all the more frustrating. One day he'd be perfectly fine, running around, eating, bright-eyed, jumping up and down and tackling my hand when he gets a little too excited, the next day he'd be deathly ill. He literally had a seizure he was getting such little oxygen to his brain. Next day, repeat the cycle.

If he were in a constant state of suffering, then I would have put him down. But since his state changes within hours, he was 'perfectly healthy' and it would have been (And still is) an impossible decision to make. I took him to the vet multiple times, the entire staff knows me, and him, at this point. I had x-rays taken and his lungs and heart look perfectly fine; Again, making the situation event more frustrating. You know that feeling when you want something to be clearly wrong so you at least know WHAT you're dealing with?

I was told "It's either post-pneumonia or something in his throat, which we can't deal with.. You'd have to see a specialist and it would cost thousands of dollars" and was sent home with more Metacam. It's been a few days since then, and the cycle continues. The past two days he seemed perfectly healthy, you'd never know he was sick. But the past 20 or so hours (I don't sleep anymore btw) he's been lethargic, gasping, sneezing, with zero droppings. He's been eating, drinking, running.. I give him critical care along with his Metacam on a daily basis, he's been getting CC every single day since this started.

Almost everything someone could suggest, I've tried, aside from baby-medicine which I see some of you are using with success. Throughout this ordeal I've almost come to believe that his breathing issue is connected to his gut rather than his actual... breathing. I just can't connect that in my brain, how is that even possible. When his droppings slow down, THEN he has breathing issues..

Again I'm apologizing for the long post! It's just been so long, wrapping up 1-2 months in a single thread!

Since I did have x-rays taken, I saw the inside of his guts, and they were filled with food, and he had some big gas pockets. Could gas stop him from pooping for a day at a time? And rasp/gasp/wheeze? Seems a bit much.. I don't think that this entire situation was caused by something as simple as gas.. Especially since at multiple points I had to take him into a steaming hot bathroom/sauna to get him to breathe again. When he rasps for too long he gets mucous build-up that I kinda have to.. melt away.

He's definitely a trooper, as I'm typing this he's eating at his bowl. I'm sitting here waiting for a return-call from the vet, don't even know what to say to him at this point though.

Since I know it'll be asked, his food is Oxbow pellets, and Pestell Timothy (A Canadian brand) I tried Oxbow hay, but I got that around the time he got sick, so I'm pretty paranoid of using it now, even though it probably has absolutely nothing to do with his illness. He used to get Oxbow Vit C and Papaya supp. every day, but since all this happened, he's been cut off anything treat-like, it just seems to make him worse. He's been getting enough CC as well, his entirely stuffed guts on the x-ray are proof of that.

I've asked my vet multiple times "Shouldn't I have a probiotic?" but he just tells me to use the CC, and I do. .... Okay I think that's about it?! Thank you to anyone who reads this.
Has the vet said anything about a heart murmur? When the mitral valve is not working properly blood accumulates in the lungs which leads to pulmonary edema, during edema oxygen movement from the lungs to the heart is impaired causing these type of symptoms-lethargy, weakness, loss of appetite, confusion, persistent coughing or wheezing, shortness of breath, retention of water so the chin looks like a furry balloon and impaired peristaltic action of the intestine. My class 5 heart murmur chin had his good days, bad days and looks like a dead chin days, so the extreme swinging of the symptoms you list remind me of how he was.
No, he's listened to his chest a few times and hasn't mentioned anything. His heart and lungs looked alright on that scan but I don't know if you'd be able to see something like that so I'm not sure. I'd ask the vet, but he'd probably say "No, no, it's good, how about some more metacam?!" We're also pretty much.. entirely broke, his testing so far has put me in about 1000 dollars of debt. So I don't think I'll be able to go back to the vet for any new theories unfortunately. From your experience, was there anything you did to make him more comfortable, healthier, did you find anything helped? I don't want to go treating my Boo for something he probably doesn't have, but if it's harmless, I don't see why not.
Meds are RXed by a vet for congestive heart failure, its sucks your vets seem to be clueless, it seems to be common in Canada. Maybe post your general location, we do have a Canadian rescue on the forum along with some members that can help.
Where/How would I go about posting that? I just signed up here today so I'm pretty clueless. Also what exactly is the rescue? It's Halifax NS by the way, but you probably mean to post it in another thread!
Thank you, I'll check this out. I actually found this website earlier but like it says, I'm not registered so I couldn't really see any of the threads. I'll do that now, and hope some more people check out this thread, and above all, hope he hangs in there. He's back at his food bowl again stuffing his face. He's also started pooping a little bit. I should add he's been extremely itchy, too.. ever since this started. I mentioned it to the vet and he assumed it was just because Boo is an 'over-groomer'. (He has a fur-patch chewed pretty well from a couple years ago that hasn't come back very well) I thought maybe it was a side-effect of either Baytril or the Metacam, but he's off the Baytril now so it's the Metacam or the illness.
The fur will come back so if patches are still missing he's still chewing.

You don't need a vet to prescribe probiotics, just go to the drug store and get some acidophilus for him, give him a 1/4 of a tablet daily, especially after the baytril that is probably a great idea. You can also do the simethicone (baby gas drops). If he does have CHF as Dawn suggested him getting bloated ( the gas pockets) will push out all the way around on his belly, also pushing up into the chest cavity putting more pressure on his lungs making it harder for them to expand because they don't have room to do so. I would go with both of those, they are over the counter meds that you can use to try to help get things balanced out. I would also try to find another vet on the other forum that is near you if possible. I understand it's frustrating to have spent so much money to the vet and still not have a good answer or have the situation under control.
Thought I'd post an update along with a little more information.

He's still hanging in there, but his condition is clearly getting worse. I told the vet multiple times that we're just bandaiding the issue.. Especially now with painkillers, I mean does he think that's a permanent solution? Sure he should be on them if he's in pain, but regardless, they're starting to lose effectiveness. Boo's been chattering his teeth, biting a little bit on his cage which he never does. He's also been sneezing a lot more.

This is possibly related. His little.. y'know, has been sticking out just the slightest bit lately. He goes to nuzzle his teddybears but can never quite.. finish. It's really sad, and making me think maybe it's a possible heart problem.. But you'd think he would have mentioned that. Maybe he has no idea what an irregular rodent heartbeat sounds like..

On top of those, his voice has been getting raspier.. but this is what confuses me about that. He has his 'talking' chirp that's very sweet and high-pitched.. He still does that. But he also has this horrible honking.. raspy wheeze he does. It sounds like what we would sound like after screaming for an hour straight. What's confusing about it is he goes in between the two quite often. His sniffing is clearly a bit labored.. Do their sounds come from very different parts of their body? Anyways.. I got him the simethicone, I just have to wait a day or two for the acidophilus.

Also, remember that return call I've been waiting for from my vet? Never came. If that shows you just how much they care. Oh and his metacam is measured to 0.25cc with 90% air bubbles and nozzle. AKA barely 0.1cc. I don't know how vets make it around here.. Cats and dogs, I suppose. :\