Outside fun..........

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Poppy the mosaic squibbit
Jan 29, 2009
Farm country, Northern Illinois
i did some gardening today. Planted some tomatoes and some flowers around the house. I had my granddaughter over to 'help'. Here's some of the things we did.....

Sorry they are so pixelated. It's from my cell phone. But you get the idea.

Fly fighting with the hose..

Luke the cat enjoying the catnip I thinned out. That stuff grows like weeds around my yard.


Aw Carol, Olivia is so precious, thanks for sharing! Where's your puggy? Oh and those guinea pigs are too cute :D
That looks like a great day to me. All of your fur babies are so cute. Your grandaughter is adorable. Such a great "helper" too.
Your granddaughter looks just like my cousin when she was little. It brought back memories of childhood!! She's quite cute, along with um, well...everything else you videoed/pictured.
The videos brought back such great memories of my dog chasing the sprinkler when I was a kid, and your granddaughter is just darling! Hope your tomatoes are doing better than mine-- we need some sun out here in Northern Cali.

Did you name your dog "Fly" after the movie Babe, by any chance?