Orange Fur - Help!?

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Well-known member
May 23, 2012
Hi everyone, I need some advice/assistance! I came home this weekend and after being away for a week (my grandma babysat) I saw that my girls paws are colored/tinted orangish? No fur is missing, rather the tops are a pink/orange color. Why would this be the case? She has pink toys... is this pee? I'm very concerned any help is appreciated. (Also she acting no diff, it's not blood, etc.) Some of the coloring also appears to be on her chest (under chin and above paws) I'm attaching pictures for a better idea of what I'm talking about. THANK YOU IN ADVANCE! 1184771_10151734431447833_479142368_n.jpg

Someone mentioned it could just be her being dirty, for now I will assume this but if anyone has any other ideas please let me know :)
My first thought was dye from a toy since it's the front part of her. What kind of bedding are you using? Was the bedding more wet than normal?
I have kiln dried pine bedding - just shavings of it! And yeah I realized there was a new "favorite" pee spot, and it was a lot wetter than normal, she probably was getting stained from that?