One eye has gone white

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Yahoo Answers

Ok so I head to Yahoo answers every once in a while to answer simple questions and send people here. This is not a easy question and I have a feeling "VET NOW!!!" will not be listened too with out a qualifier which I cannot give. Anyway thats the link to the question. Help!
The chin has an eye injury. The cornea may be scratched. These injuries heal most of the time, but sometimes the eye will stay that way or not completely uncloud.

If there is no infection, there's really nothing a vet can do. I would suggest keeping it cleaned up. It most likely didn't turn white from an takes a nice eye injury to get it like that - like a really good poke to the eye or the chin running into something, etc. The eyeball is swollen.

I had a vet explain the mechanism by which this occurs. It has something to do with the cornea taking on water or moisture or something. I can't remember exactly. It turns white because it is healing up. That vet never suggested antibiotics for it because it wasn't a sign of infection.

The thing that I would really worry about is if the chin hit it's head or nose and damaged the sinus cavity in some way.

If it IS from an infection, the chin probably has an upper respiratory infection that has spread to the eyes and ears. It sounds like it's probably an injury in this case. Without wheezing or any signs that there's something wrong, I'd say that a regularly scheduled vet visit would be in order - an emergency visit probably isn't necessary.
I was at the vet yesterday afternoon because one of my chins has a white spot on her right eye. He put some yellow stuff in her eye and turned the light off. He has this instrument to look into her eye. He said she scratched it and it's scar tissue. He prescribed some eye ointment that has steriods in it. He said the spot might stay like that.
I was at the vet yesterday afternoon because one of my chins has a white spot on her right eye. He put some yellow stuff in her eye and turned the light off. He has this instrument to look into her eye. He said she scratched it and it's scar tissue. He prescribed some eye ointment that has steriods in it. He said the spot might stay like that.

Someone please correct me if I'm wrong, but I was under the impression that you shouldn't use medicine with steroids in it with chins because it can cause ulcers?
A couple years back MuShu had an eye infection and the vet prescribed me probably the same thing that your chin has, it was an eye ointment with steroids, I asked Angie (chinvet) about it and she said she would not use them for the fact that they have steroids in them.
However I could be wrong..
That's right Allison, you're not supposed to use steroids on chins. I'll have to ask Angie again though, about the eye drops. I know oral steroids can cause ulcers to develop in a chins stomach, but I don't remember the effect (if any) on the eye.
Okay, I thought I remembered it correctly. I think it was the fact that it's an ointment, meaning that the chin could easily wipe it off of their eye and ingest it when grooming it off.

Drops are so much nicer than ointment too!
Well it apparently went away, all on its lonesome. So... meh.
I've used triple antibiotic drops with steriods in it. You can only use it in the eyes if there are no ulcers.

I've also used dexamethasone injections on kits that have that "click" in their breathing when they are first born. These are the kits we see die within a few hours due to the fluid in there lungs. The dexamethasone helped "mature" their lungs. Out of 10 kits-9 have survived due to this treatment-the trick is getting it into them within the first hour. I also make sure they eat after I give it to them and I don't give it more than twice-one day apart.

I've used dexamethasone in our hamster that was dropped and suffered a spinal injury. It helped reduce the swelling and she was able to walk again.

It needs to be used with caution.

Its not any of my chins, I'd have hit a vet the moment I saw it. I'm kinda touchy bout my girls' health. I didn't answer. I didn't know how and they just seemed to not care after it went away so... meh