number of kits affect due date?

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Dec 10, 2010
has anyone noticed a pattern with females who have been carrying more then 1-2 kits giving birth early or late on average because of the number of babies? i know the average is 111 days but more then 1 or 2 is above the average number to have so i figured maybe its like people the more babies the greater risk of not going full term.
ive been searching for a few days and cant seem to find out if this happens in chins for sure or not.

Thanks :)
I would think it would be the same as any pregnancy, more babies usually early labor, new moms go over. 111 days is an estimation it is 111-120 days and is truly just an estimate.
I don't think you're going to find a satisfiable answer. I do not witness very many matings and could not tell you when any of my currently pregnant chins are due, much less whether they're late or not. I doubt very many breeders with more than a handful of breeding pairs keep track of due dates, either.