New Hedgie Owner Asking For Advice!!!!

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Nov 18, 2011
Hello everyone I just got my first hedgehog Spike from a breeder a month ago and would love extra info on how to care for my new guy.
Hes on a good cat food I know for treats he can have mealworms, fresh fruits, cooked veggies, and cooked unseasoned meats.
What foods should I avoid?
I use carefresh bedding and a dustfree clump free litter for his litter box.
We are bonding with a snuggle sack I carry him around in it =) does anyone have any other bonding tips for me?
I just started trying to potty train him I keep a hiddy box in one corner, a bowl of food in one corner, and a bowl of water in the other corner to encourage him to potty in the litter corner any other tips to make this easier?
Hes in a good sized tub but its getting a bit small with the large wheel, good sized litter box, a hiddy box, food and water bowls and hes getting bigger! lol can anyone help me find a good hedgehog cage?
I would also love to put a picture up of him can anyone help me with that?

I cant wait to hear from everyone! Thank you so much for any and all help!
Congrats on your new hedgie!
What brand cat food is he on now?
Foods to avoid:
  • Grapes (toxic to most small animals)
  • Raisins (toxic and can get stuck to the roof of their mouth)
  • Avacados (questionable, but stay away just to be safe)
  • Nuts and Seeds (can get caught in the roof of their mouth, also fatty and have little to no nutritional benefit)
  • Chocolate (same with any other animal)
  • Milk & Dairy Products (They're lactose intolerant)
  • Junk Food (No cheesy poofs for hedgie! Not good for them)
  • Herbs (some are questionable, I'd stay away just to be safe)
I'm not a big fan of the Carefresh bedding. It's incredibly dusty, and I actually had an asthma attack from all the dust kicked up. I use fleece liners that you can just throw into the wash for cleaning... so much easier. I'm also not a big fan of litter, especially for boys, because it can get stuck in their privates. I like using just strips of paper towels. Just know that not every hedgie will be able to be potty trained... most just use their wheel.
On wheels, what kind of wheel do you have for him?
C&C cages are the easiest and least expensive way to make a larger cage. Google has a bunch of 'how-tos' on how to make one.
Go to, upload your picture, then copy and paste your link with the
Congratulations!! Hedgies are amazing! Mine; Dexter; is currently climbing on me:) here are some basic tips... 1.) they tend to potty wherever they are when they are relaxed, so a little trick to use if you are planning on haveing your hedgie out for awhile is to handle them, tell them hello, and then put them in something like a plastic laundry basket and continue talking to them and petting them while you do something like homework or reading or computer, and they will most likely relax, go to the bathroom, and then you are ready for a long time of fun without any potty emergencies during the fun. you can always clean up the basket later.
2.) they LOVE live mealworms!! Its adorable!
3.)if you want some adorable cuddle time, grab a book, and either wrap them in a blanket, or let them lay on your chest, and if they arent to hyper, they will cuddle and fall asleep, its my favorite part of the day! :)

Hope this helps! If you have any questions or conserns or want fun activities or advice, feel free to email me!