New Grandmother of two chins

Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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Ashkii and Chesmu
Jun 8, 2013
Hi everyone :)
I wanted to introduce myself. My name is Tricia, and I bought my 15 year old daughter two male chinchillas in January. Their names are Ashkii and Chesmu.
My daughter had a beloved hamster that passed away at almost 6 years old. She decided that she couldn't "replace" Ninja with another hamster, and she wanted a chinchilla. I knew NOTHING about chinchillas, and so we both did our homework and decided that it would be a great addition to our family. We ended up with Ashkii (a standard grey) and Chesmu (a white mosaic). I knew that my daughter would love them , but I have to say...I am completely obsessed! They are two of the most loving and sweet little guys, and soooo much fun. We love to spoil those boys!!! :)

And as soon as I learn how...I will post pics. lol
Thank you! I'm very happy to have joined. I have learned so much in the last 6 months, and still habe so much more to learn. This forum has helped greatly.
Welcome. Totally understand about the obsession thing.:bump1:
YAY! Mom & Kid doing the research! Super cool to see it, when so many times, people jump into chins with no info, or get one "for their kid" who is 8 years old and easily distracted, to the chinchilla's detriment.

Welcome aboard! :) (And, for pics, click the mountains picture in the reply box header, then find the photo on your online storage, like photobucket or picasa. :) )