New Chinchilla

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Nov 3, 2012
I recently got a 3.5 month old chinchilla from a chinchilla farm. I have had her for nearly a week now, and she isn't showing any signs of becoming any more tame than when I got her. I can't even pet her or pick her up without a huge fuss. Anyone have any suggestions for me?
It's going to take longer than a week and a lot of patience. Sit by her cage a lot and talk to her. Get her used to your voice. Let her come to you vs. you trying to pick her up.
It's going to take longer than a week and a lot of patience. Sit by her cage a lot and talk to her. Get her used to your voice. Let her come to you vs. you trying to pick her up.

Exactly. Some chins take months, seriously. Just let them see you and hear you often.
My new baby chin is getting friendlier by the day------treats and patience are paying off. She is already jumping into my hand-----right back off again of course, but I am excited that she decided to do so anyway. She no longer runs to the back of her cage when I approach it------runs to the front to see me! I am really glad she is coming around. The chin I had before her took to me after only two days, but I guess it was too much to expect she would do the same. I am continuing to work with her and am now sure she will keep improving.
Yay! That is great to hear. Sounds like you are taking the right steps to create a wonderful bond. One question, though...where are the pics? ;)
Just a quick note. Chins under 6 months of age should not be given treats of any kind.

What kind are you giving her just to make sure they are safe in general? I agree with the above and you can tempt her with wood sticks and chews or new types of hay until she's a little older...
I have had a few chins for a couple years and they can still be "moody" as I call it. Some days they will want scritches and other days it's like leave me alone mom. Some just don't ever like being held. Then I have a few that are love bugs, it depends on their personality and background, but patience and consistency is the key. Good luck!
It takes time for them to get settled into their new home and become accustomed to the surroundings. Give the little critter some time, she'll warm up. My female chin hid a lot at first and then one day, she just started sitting on her ledge waiting for attention. Now she'll even crawl on my arm and up my shoulder when I open her cage.
With any new animal it is recommended that you give them at least a week with no handling in order for your new friend to become comfortable in his/her surroundings. So, it is perfectly normal for your chinnie to be a bit timid in the beginning. =)

However, from your latest post it sounds like your chin is settling in well!