New chin

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Well-known member
Oct 28, 2013
Got my husband his chin today he a male Here his cage. How does it look and the little oneImageUploadedByTapatalk1383699675.535251.jpgImageUploadedByTapatalk1383699689.735458.jpgImageUploadedByTapatalk1383699697.268768.jpgImageUploadedByTapatalk1383699703.818766.jpg
I have the same cage and love it. The only thing that I can see that I would consider is wrong would be the bedding. The recycled newspaper bedding can cause some serious digestion/bowel issues with chins. I use aspen but it can be pricey. Pine is great too just please don't use cedar! May I ask why you don't put shavings in the slide out pan on the bottom of the cage? It makes clean up a breeze!!!

And he is a beautiful chin BTW.

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There metal grate thing that has bars I was told that they hurt the chins feet I can't remove it cause it holds the ramp for the next level ImageUploadedByTapatalk1383741316.710936.jpg

ImageUploadedByTapatalk1383741539.689370.jpghere what I'm using what kind is it that you recomend

It has bars where he would walk was told that would hurt his feet ImageUploadedByTapatalk1383742426.180262.jpg
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Chins don't need ramps, they hop not walk so you can remove the ramp and grate. If you are really worried just add more ledges, but most chins can jump about 5 feet high, they shouldn't fall more then a foot or they can get hurt though. As for bedding Aspen or Pine both work well, just giving examples you don't have to go with that brand.
just bought this kind is it safe I need to know now so I can change it
Ok just took grate out and put new bedding. Went to pet store and got the aspen wood shaving Put them in. I was able to keep ramp in But I did by a lava ledge Here Charlie looking his new bedding
the aspen litter in infinity cheaper then the carefresh here. And yes, the aspen is safe. Just make sure your never get ceder by accident. While aspen is fine, ceder has oils that are harmful.

Your right in that you don't want the chin walking on the cage bars itself. They can get there feet caught in them and break a leg. And that sometimes is an injury they cant recover from. So you definitely want a tray or something to cover that up.

The only other thing worth noting is the hammock. Most chins will eventually chew on that kind and tear it up or eat it, which can cause problems. You might want to look into fleece hammocks. There are several ppl around here that can make them.

Congrats with the new chin!
Charlie nip my son and my husband. Didn't draw blood. But he let me pet him for the first time this morning twice. Will he bond with everyone in family or just one? I bought him for my husband
It will take time for your chin to bond to your family, so be patient and continue to work with him. Don't force him to be handled/touched, try to let him come to you. My chin likes me more and lets me handle him more than my fiancé, but that's because I've spent so much time with him compared to my fiancé. Make sure everyone gets equal time with the chin so he can get used to all of you!

When I first got him, I would put my hand near him, but not touch him - or put my arms in the cage and sit there like that. Eventually he go curious and now he jumps all over my hands/arms - and my body and even my head when I let him out. :)

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