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Aug 19, 2012
I recently bought 4 chinchillas and they are all males and housed together in a double ferret nation. Two of them are about 2 years and the other two are about a year old. The standard, black velvet and the ebony will come to the cage and take treats from my hand and let me touch them. The violet on the other hand is not so nice. He will charge at me when I open the doors for anything and that includes feeding time. He did bite me a few weeks ago when I was feeding them and broke skin. He acted that way with his previous owner too. I was just curious what would make him act that like and if there's anything I can do to help him? I would really appreciate any adive that could help.
Patience is usually the best thing for a not so trusting chin. I have a girl that used to always charge when I opened the cage, now she is a sweetie (still charges sometimes but never bites). Maybe he is cage aggressive? Do you get him out at all for playtime? I would try sitting in a small area with him and let him explore you. Good luck!
Yes, definitely give it some time. The chinchillas have no idea of what is going on, they just know that when they go to a new home everything is different.

I would keep him in the cage so he can calm down and acclimate. After a week or two you can start handling him more. But when you handle him, do it on his terms. Let him come to you, never chase him around the cage. Even though he acted so aggressive with his former human he can learn to trust you and to be a completely different chinchilla for you. The trick is to start it off right in the beginning and earn his trust.

Be patient and take your time with him, don't rush things and it will work out for the best.
Yes the first girl I got it took about 3months for her to get use to me now im the only one who can touch her. I sit in the middle of the room and let all four of them out but he just stays under the cage until the other 3go back inside the cage than he'll go back inside.
Ive had them about a month and a half now. I didn't start letting them out until about 3 weeks after I brought them home. I have learned chinchillas take a lot of patience just like any afraid animal. Sometimes it seems like he's trying to protect the other 3. When I rub them he starts making a chatting noise and he did push one (the black velvet, he's the smallest) away into a corner one time than started barking.
I've found old fashioned oatmeal can be a good way to make friends with a chin. It must be old fashioned oatmeal not quick cook oatmeal. Quick cook oatmeal can cause severe digestive problems.

Offer a small amount of old fashioned oatmeal in the palm of your hand. Most chins love it. You can feed a total of 1/3 teaspoon full per chin a day. This should be the only treat fed that day. If you give it to the other chins while they are in their cage the unfriendly chin should become curious about the others eating and enjoying it. Given time the unfriendly one may venture over to you to try it. Or if you feel the unfriendly one is receptive try moving your hand toward him so he can have some too.
the only thing i can add is to pay attention to exactly what your doing and where your doing it when the chin acts that way. The reason i say that is my chins are all fairly friendly and never rly bite. But i have noticed that if i mess with them at certain times while they are in there tube, they will get defensively aggressive. (don't get to say that often.) Its the only time they will act that way. No where else. Just something extra to think about.
Ok thank y'all for the advice! I really appreciate it. Kansas city chinchillas- I didn't know you could give them oatmeal as a treat? I give my rabbits a pinch of old fashion oatmeal to help when they have problems with digesting there pellets. Godofgods- ok thanks ill keep a better eye on him now and see if he has any spots like that