My new thread. Creative treats, anyone?

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Active member
Nov 20, 2012
I'm sure all of you have seen one or two of my posts by now, I have a novel written about my Bubbie. Unfortunately all of those threads went slightly off topic then came to a dead stop.

First, his general situation, second, the metacam thread, and now.. treats!

I asked in the last post of my metacam thread, but for the same reason I created my second thread, I'm making this one.. I'd like it to be title-related so people know where to go.

My little boy has actually been doing fantastic lately, but he's still ridiculously delicate. He can't even look at a raisin without bloating back into a football. So I'm wondering if you guys have any creative treat ideas for me? I've heard something about 'loofah plant' but I'm not sure if it's made up of any sugars..
I'd like to pick up some herbs, but I'm afraid I'll pick up some.. 'poison to chinchillas' leaf and off the poor little poof. I've searched lists of 'what's poison for them' but the websites seem so... cheaply made and untrustworthy, so I'll just ask here, then research from the suggestions I get.

Please, absolutely no sugar, nothing too fatty either. How about.. bran.. sticks.. Hmmmm..
I use bite sized infrosted shredded wheat for treat, but, If your chin is having issues with bloat I personally wouldn't give any treats. just pellets, hay, and water.
He's been off all treats for a long time now, but it's so sad seeing him shove his nose through the bars and grab at the air every time he hears me with a bottle or bag of any kind.. Gotta figure out something.

So a shreddie, maybe? Like those.. chex things, or the actual.. two-sided wheat things, usually one has a glaze on it, but the non-glazey side? (Either way, I'll look into them all, see which would be healthiest)

Thank you. :3

This was my reply to a previous poster about treats. Some of might not be relevant, but I thought it faster to just copy and paste everything.


Chins don't need a lot of food treats. In fact, too many food treats are bad because they have sensitive digestive systems. In general this is what I've learned:
  • Fruit: Always bad, including raisins, papaya, and other things you'll find in a pet store that are labeled chin safe. Fruit has way to much sugar for a chin's bland diet. Some people think it's okay to give your chin something like 1/2 a raisin occasionally (no more than once a week), or if they are constipated. Others say raisins are a NEVER item. The yogurt coated kind are even worse because they're pretty much all sugar.
  • Vegetables: Always bad because of the high water content. This can lead to bloating (I think) and other digestive issues. Again, some people think it's okay to give some veggies (I think there's a thread on leafy greens being argued over somewhere).
  • Oats: These are a good treat for chins. Make sure they are not instant oats. They absorb water too quickly and can lead to bloating. A pinch (like 5-10 oats) is more than plenty.
  • Shredded wheat: Make sure they are plain (ingredients should be 100% wheat). I'm not sure how much to give. Maybe like the size of a pea? I would think a whole shredded wheat would be far too large.
  • Rose hips, rose buds, hibiscus flowers, clovers: You can find these in specialty health stores/tea shops. Only give one. With hibiscus, I think you only give 1/4 cause they're so large.

With all of these food treats, they should not be given every day. Chinchillas are like kids. If you keep giving them "candy," they won't eat their veggies.

I know this probably sounds ridiculous, but if you want to give your chinchilla a treat every day, give him a stick. Seriously. There are several members who sell various chinchilla safe sticks to chew (apple, grape, manzanita, etc.). My chinchilla loves apple sticks. She'll chew and chew until she's gotten all of the bark off. Not only does she have fun chewing, this helps keep their teeth healthy as well.

Finally, I'm still pretty new to the chin-owning world, so if I got something wrong, please someone correct me. :p


And just for further clarification, the correct shredded wheat will not have a frosted side at all.
I know what they shouldn't have, and not to give them bad things daily, I've had chinchillas for about 10 years now. (I know, copy/pasted) My little guy eats his own food well enough, even eats his critical care off a spoon now. He used to get apple sticks and loves them, but I think they may be secretly loaded in sugars too, (Maybe not loaded, but too much for him) .. and he's not interested in kiln pine.

Soooo.. so far I've got wheaties and maybe some oats, I'll look into those. I think I've already got the non-instant oats..

I should also research that loofah I guess.

..And I wonder if rosehips have sugar in them.. I'd imagine they're very sweet.
Etherite, the type of wheaties they are talking about is the shreded wheat, it comes in an unsweetened type. I would just go with oats instead though. I also have give my chillys a single poppcorn with no salt or butter, you have to air pop it your self and you can set some aside before you butter it up for your self.

Lirana is also right about apple sticks, my chins will fight over a stick if I don't give them each thier own. I dont think they have much sugar but they like the bark so that why he probly dosnt care for the pine. they seem to really like applewood and grapevine sticks and will chew off the bark. If he has a delicate stomach that might be the only way to go.

PS sorry about the poor typing I'm on my cell phone and its really annoying.
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Feel like everyone thinks I'm a 3 year old on the site.. xD Yes, I know not to give my guy the glazed shredded wheats, I absolutely wouldn't, especially since I'm clearly too paranoid to give him an applesticks worth of sugar. He's gotten apple and grapevine in the past, but it made his condition a little worse off.. I can try again, since everyone seems so convinced there's no sugar in the bark, but I'm not positive on that. Apple has to get it's overly sweet taste from somewhere.

I used to give him some popcorn, but that also made him go downhill pretty bad.

Gave him a couple oats a few minutes ago.. He wasn't too impressed, but he ate them, we'll see if his condition stays the same. He also likes a single cheerio, the nasty whole wheat kind. Maybe I'll look for another pack of applesticks and cross my fingers.

(Seriously guys, I know chinchillas like and need wood, I've had him for 10 years! Guess I should have listed off what I've already tried.. Still appreciate all input though.)

They may be okay for your chinchillas, so the sugar content seems minimal, but when you have a sickly little bugger like this, any is too much. ): Man, is there such a thing as a treat with no sugar. Not much of a treat, IMO, but they like weird things. I had him lick grease off my fingers a couple times and that actually made him more peppy, was weird. Maybe I should start thinking on salty treats. He has a salt rock lick thing he goes at every now and then, especially when he's feeling down.. Does seem to help.
Hmm I wonder if he might have allergies to boot.. Most herbs are 0 calories so maybe some of the herbal suggestions people posted? I don't like rosehips personally because i opened one once and it had this furry substance that felt like certain types of fuzzy cactus, very prickly... but maybe I had the wrong kind. If its something edible by humans you should be able to google a nutritional break down to find something with out sugars.

I know people mention greens as having to much water but what about dried veggies? Might have to make it yourself though. =x
zoaea- even dried veggies are not good for chins. im pretty sure popcorn is not ok also. corn isnt really good for them either.
Anyways- shredded wheat (unfrosted bite sized) is a big hit with my chins, plus it helps with digestive issues. ive also used oats and cherrios but not all my chins liked them. rosehips are good too, some chins like them, some dont. apple sticks do not have sugar in them, they should be just fine to give as many as your chin can eat. if they do cause problems then it might be an allergy. there are many types of chin safe wood, and many vendors here that sell them. if your not happy with appple sticks maybe try some other types. oh..... and im pretty sure grease os a big NoNo it isnt good for humans let alonr chins.
I've had to trick him into taking his medication a few times with a drop of olive oil, hasn't hurt him, but it's not like I see that as a 'treat' either, it was a last resort. Also we don't have chinchilla treat vendors here, and buying things online is too expensive for me.

Mostly what I made this thread for is herbs, which ones they can have, which ones may help with what, etc. No one uses them though I guess. Right now he gets a dried mint leaf every few days, doesn't seem to bug him. Would just like to give him some variety.
Personally I wouldn't give my chins any treats other then wood if they had issues, and try different ones maybe just stay away from fruit ones if they still cause issues, but he's your little guy so... I did a quick search for you and came up with this thread If you scroll down to the #8 post it has a long list of herbs. You could also try rose petals, I would think they would have less sugar (if they contain sugar) then the rosehips which are the "fruit" of the plant.
Off topic here, one thing that was a bit alarming is you said he has a salt lick, those can cause health issues including seizures and bladder stones. I'm assuming he is on a good quality food, which would already have the right amount of salt, so he shouldn't need the extra salt. I would also think extra salt would make him drink more and so pee more which I remember reading in another thread was a concern you had with him peeing a lot. I could be wrong though, but would make sense.
He only goes after his salt lick when he's already feeling down, otherwise, he ignores it. But the fact that he licks it sometimes just tells me he knows when he needs it, I think he has more instinct than I do, at least I'd think so, since that's all they go by. I'd take it away, but since he doesn't go after it very often, I don't really feel the need to. If he starts licking at it every day, I definitely would. I've already had to take a few things away from him, like his wheel. (Yes he still gets exercise, it's just 100% supervised) And about the pee, that was only once, luckily hasn't happened since. I guess I could take his salt away, but I don't think I'd really see any change, since I don't think I'm seeing either of those issues. Thank you very much for the list btw.

Tanya here may be able to help you with this, she deals with chins with health issues and knows a ton about herbs and the such so she may be able to steer you in the right direction as far as your question , PM her, explain his situation and see what she thinks. Often in this case a chin should not have anything beyond hay and pellets and in some cases not even pellets when the gut is out of whack or a digestive issue is undiagnosed.