My cage :D

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Well-known member
Feb 11, 2014



That is my boys cage. I have gotten a larger house for him as well, which is where the other one is. That one was moved to the bottom level of the top section. He has some more chews in there now as well. The ramps are gone also. I know it's bare, but I wasn't expecting to get him and he's already done a number on my finances. The fleece alone has cost me at least $180.

I want to get a PVC pipe and some more ledges, but I don't know how I want to arrange it. I don't want him chewing on the ledges either, so can I cover them in fleece? Any suggestions on what else I can put in it?

I'd like to color them too, since I prefer the colored wood. Food coloring/water is safe to color the wood with right? I read that it was but I just want to make sure.

Also... Where can I get a bridge like this? I heard that whoever made them has stopped but I really love the look of them.

I'm looking for a sample pack of different woods as well... Since I don't want to buy a bunch of one kind(I don't know what he will like), I'd like some sort of variety pack. I read that someone sells them but I can't find where.

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Also, I want to know what size PVC pipe I should get.

And do I need to sand the wood when I get it?
The only question I can help out with is the wood sampler. Ronda of Ronda's Chinchillas sells a sampler box. It can be 5-10 twigs of whatever she has in stock or sticks. She has a banner at the top and is listed in the grand master suppliers list.
The only question I can help out with is the wood sampler. Ronda of Ronda's Chinchillas sells a sampler box. It can be 5-10 twigs of whatever she has in stock or sticks. She has a banner at the top and is listed in the grand master suppliers list.

Thank you! Now I just need to find my check book... I don't have a paypal account and I can't find a check anywhere Lol.
Haha, that's always the worst!

Oh and the PVC pipe! A lot of people here use 6"x10" and it has to be the kind of PVC that's approved for like sinks and stuff so that it's supposed to be guaranteed to not give off chemicals. Some people use 4" PVC pipe too I believe. But I know that people like ChinChic and Fleece for Furries make the 6x10 fleece covers, so that's something to consider if you can't make your own. They also sell the tubes too.

Oh and as for the chewing of the ledges, I suppose you could cover them, but if you have enough twigs, sticks, etc for your chin to use instead of ledges, they'll probably be left alone. My little guy doesn't chew on his unless I don't switch out the twigs and stuff he has in his cage.
Wow, very nice set-up you have there! Your little Chinchilla looks like he's living in Luxury!
I could only find a 4" PVC pipe at Home Depot so I hope that's good enough.

I still want to know how to safely color the ledges. :) I bought some wood last night as well. I love the colored look and it would brighten up his cage.
I wound up making a ledge and it seems weak on my bars. I lined up the bolts with the one wire and that helped hold it in place. Now I'm worried that my cage cannot handle the wooden shelves I want for it. :/
I have seen people buy metal supports at their hardware store for your cage. You can use them to add stability. But I think for the most part people don't have issues with ledges in the cage you have. Just buy large enough washers and use more than one bolt for larger ledges. It's wheels that can break bars.