My birthday present!

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Dot lives forever!
Jan 29, 2009
My birthday present:

We have a total of 6 Mallard Ducks; 18 Cornish Rock(meat), 12 Rhode Island Red Hens, and 6 Bantams. I'd like to get another 12 Bantams and another 6 reds, as well as 6 Cayuga ducks.


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Thanks. We do not raise them, but will most likely start with this batch so that we can produce our own eggs/meat and will know what is going into our animals, know the care they received etc.
Happy birthday. Is there really anything cuter than baby animals? I am so jealous. I've always wanted a duck.
oooh Megs I love you but I don't want to hear about the poor cornish! Even though I love cornish hen. I just never want to know how they ended up on my plate! When I come to visit let's not have cornish hen to eat I'll feel so bad!! These bebbies are cute! We have lots of mallards here--the males are so gorgeous.

Where oh where are the peacocks though? That's what I want to know!!!!!
is there anything cuter than baby ducks and chickens??? I happen to love ducks especially, since my grandpa had raised them as pets, and they've always had a special place in my heart. I would have some of my own if I didn't have so many stray cats hanging around.

Happy birthday and what a great gift!!!
Happy birthday! My step mother raises chickens in her back yard, we only ever get new ones when they die of old age, but the back yard is a mess! Where do you keep yours?
Right now the peeps are in the basement as they need to be regulated and kept under a heat lamp. They'll be moved outside into a coop and pen we are building for them :)

Peacocks...well i've been in contact with a peacock breeder ;) so we shall see when we will be adding some peafowl!
What an awesome bday present!!! We have 4 white plymouth rocks that are a year old, 1 Ameraucana mix that is the sweetest chicken ever, a blue orpington rooster that is being rehomed shortly (he's getting to be very aggressive, he's turning 1 soon), and 5 mystery chicks that I think are Serama and Sebright bantams.

We also have a juvenile male Swinhoe Pheasant who is beautiful named Kevin (after the bird from UP), and 4 6month old guineas for tick control.

I really wanted to get some Pekin ducklings but we don't really have space for them because we want to keep them separate from the chickens. I've been really good and haven't bought anything at TSC yet...but if they get in more Silkies I might get some.

There's a local chicken guy who sells red sex link pullets that are just about to lay, that are the same price as chicks, so we're going to get some of those from him rather than buying 6 day old chicks from TSC. He also raises broilers, so we're probably going to grab a few of those as well.
We ended up adding 6 more Bantams (they are too cute!) and Black something or others. I forget what they are called. Don't know what we're going to with all these chickens!

The ducks are too cute and are getting daily "swim time" which they LOVE. I can't wait to see them in full feather.
Black Astralorps? I love the bantams! I hope they don't get a new shipment in tomorrow because I really really really want silkies.

Good luck with all the chooks! Do you have a barn or something? There are some pretty cool coop ideas on the Backyard Chicken website.

Plus you figure the broilers will be in the freezer in a couple months along with some extra roosters out of the straight runs. Plus you could always sell some bantams if you end up with something you don't like or too many Old English Game Birds (the ones that look like chipmunks) that can get feisty.