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No, they are not safe-the cross bars cause head injuries when jumping on and off, that and the mounting is a issue. I would say not safe for any amimal.
You don't specifically mention a certain wheel but a quick look shows that they have crossbars which is not a good thing. The scissoring action of those bars can cause many injuries but more than likely a broken leg at the least. They can also get caught and strangle themselves. Definitely not worth it. Invest in a good wheel and it will last a very long time.
Since I tend to work long hrs I don't have time to take the boys out everyday so I read that a wheel would be good idea for them...would it still be recommended not to get a wheel?
Chins don't "need" them but they do enjoy them, chin safe wheels are expensive so if you can't afford a good one do without.
They don't need a wheel to make up for playtime. They don't even need playtime. Give them playtime when you can and if you can't afford a good wheel, then don't get one. Chins will give themselves plenty of exercise inside of the cage. It's a pet owner's own need to interact with the animals or "spoil" them that pushes people to let them out for playtime or get them wheels.

I don't recommend wheels to any of my customers. Like Cathy said...chins can injure themselves on even the "safest" wheel. Chins aren't made so much for a running behavior as they are for hopping and bouncing around.
Can you please post links to all these threads that have wheel injuries that I must have missed? Its being presented as a epidemic that frankly I don't see. Chins in a cage can injure themselves, wheel or not.
It's a pet owner's own need to interact with the animals or "spoil" them that pushes people to let them out for playtime or get them wheels.

And is this not why pet owners have chins? We have them to enjoy and spoil them, not keep them in a cage 24/7/365 in a corner.
I wouldn't get a Mortonjones wheel they don't look that safe. I have Ed spins in almost all my cages they love having the wheels. I have 1 that has the Silver wheel from, then I also have Chin spins which have not been used yet for spare cages. I would look on craigslist for a used one.