Missing toes - need some guidance.

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New member
Jan 18, 2015
Hello everyone.

I have 2 fur babies that I love dearly. Sadly, later last week, they had gotten into a fight while their cages were a little too close together.

My youngest chin, Chillie, is now missing 2 of her fingers (comparable to the ring finger and index finger on a human.) I took her to the vet, where they gave her some pain medicine and sent me home with baytril (which I won't be giving her unless I see signs of infection.)

What worries me is what looks to be exposed bone protruding from her wounds (pictured below.) She is still eating and drinking fine as well as being playful when I come to her cage, but she is laying down a lot more than usual and holding her paw close to her body. I put some blue kote on her wounds (which hurt her, quite visibly :(. ) Will she heal on her own if I monitor it and apply blue kote, or do I need another vet visit to see if they can clip some of the exposed bone off?

Apologies if these pictures are hard to see (I'm sure you're all aware how hard it is to make chinnies sit still.) This has been the first real injury of my baby since I got her 2 years ago, and I'm worried sick. Thank you all in advance.


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Unfortunately I can't see the pictures but anytime bone is exposed it's highly recommended to amputate.

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Yes agreed, the vet should amputate in a case like this.. My Mitty had the exact same thing happen, except it was only one finger that was partially severed (around 90% off) by Fifi during cage cleaning (of course, now they no longer have any time together). Anyhow, he was clutching his paw and I scheduled a vet visit right away. I did think to cut off the severed finger on my own since it was nearly falling off already, but I wasn't sure where the bone was and definitely thought it best to consult a professional. My vet was great, he inspected it and severed the finger away from the bone and we were lucky that no bone was exposed. However, he did mention that if any bone were to be exposed, it would require a surgical procedure to either cover that area or amputate further. It took Mitty several weeks to fully recover. We did use Blu-Kote daily and Metacam as prescribed.
Thanks for the advice, everyone. I broke down and took her to a different vet. He said that since such a small piece of bone was exposed, it SHOULD heal by itself in a week or two if we apply blue kote daily.

Worst case scenario is the skin will not completely heal over the bone, in which case we'll need to shave it off. In the meantime, I'll be watching it closely. Thanks again!

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