Lots of pics of my babies!

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I bite.
Jan 29, 2009
Indianapolis, IN
I got quite a few of my kids...most of them were being pretty photogenic today so I did some close-ups. A few were grumps though!

Bear smiling for the camera:

Did I hear the shreddie bag?

Moose is getting to be quite chunky!



My very round Bostin enjoying his shreddie

Koda..energetic as always!

In his favorite spot..but in the tube, paws on the cage!

Diesel in his favorite, most uncomfortable position..

Weird @ the green mouth! I looked at him after you said that and to the eye, his mouth isn't green at all. Maybe it was my camera...the liner that he's standing on is bright lime green. He did get a green block last night as well....
See... Chins do reflect light! I would imagine that is no coincidence, and was used as camouflage in the wild.:)
Oh no, not another "Bear" groupie! :pillowfight: Laura, stand in line behind the others... I'M IN THE WILL!! :tease:

Haha, anyway, Stacie, these pics are great! :thumbsup: I love it when they hold on to you when you're holding a treat for them. Smudge is adorable in that pic! Bear is THE MAN, and I don't care if his mouth is green, purple, orange or whatever, LOL!
lol i loved these!!!

and sandi, i suppose im a bear groupie as well. *sigh*

lol. and i think its a bit of an understatement that moose is a bit large lol.

great pics! love them!
Beautiful chins! Moose is growing to be quite the chunker! How much does he weigh?
Oh no, not another "Bear" groupie! :pillowfight: Laura, stand in line behind the others... I'M IN THE WILL!! :tease:

Haha, anyway, Stacie, these pics are great! :thumbsup: I love it when they hold on to you when you're holding a treat for them. Smudge is adorable in that pic! Bear is THE MAN, and I don't care if his mouth is green, purple, orange or whatever, LOL!

Ok, fine, Sandi. You take Bear...I'll take the rest! Now we just need someone to distract Stack....
Hehe..thanks everyone! Sorry, but I don't think there'll be any chin-napping going on..I have a ferocious chihuahua guarding my house!
Love the pictures I have a chin (female) that loves to sleep in the same position Diesel is in. Why I don't know - can't be comfortable. She is a white also - though she is a pink-white