Litter Training...

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Nov 29, 2010
For those who use litter pans, what type do you use?

While rummaging around in the back of my kitchen cabinets I found a water bowl that we never used for our dog. I was going to use something else but I worried there would not be enough room to jump into the container because of the way her shelves are set up, if that makes sense.

The bowl I found is shorter in the front than the back so I figured it might alleviate that problem. I decided that I would mix up some of Bells' bedding (new & old) and set it in there after her next cage cleaning to see what would happen. I do full cage cleanings on Weds and Sunday.

I didn't have high hopes, to be honest. But she's surprising me! Although there are still urine spots on the bottom of the cage I noticed tonight during evening refills (water, hay, etc) that she's been using the litter box. Yay!

Any litter training tips & tricks to share?
My chin boys, and bunny boys, normally use one spot to urinate. I make sure I put the litter pan there, even if it means rearranging. None of my boys like chewing plastic so I use this
I also take and when I change their litter pans, every 2-3 days, I give them a treat so they associate using it as a good thing. Hope this helps!
I use stainless steel dog food bowls. There's no sure fire way to really train them. I have some boys that use them regularly, but also pee in other spots as well. The best thing you can do is place the pan in the corner of the cage them seem to prefer going, and cover the rest of the corners up with an object of some sort. For example, in my cages I have the litter pan in one corner, wheel in the other, hidey house in the other, and a chiller or hay older in the last corner.
I use a square pyrex dish. It fits right in the corner where he likes to use the bathroom. So he doesnt know a difference, when the shavings are soiled, I dump it and fill it back up!!

I find that the dish also holds the fleece liner down in that corner which works really well!
i have tried doing this too but dash still just goes wherever. on the shelves, in his hidey house, anywhere but that dish... lol.
I tried the pyrex dish with shavings for a while. One of my chins is smart and knows its a bathroom, but the other thinks its a dustbath so she whirrs around in it and the shavings go everywhere.:hmm:
My white fuzzball is "special." lol
I use a metal baking dishes. I have 2 since Tink spends a lot of time in her cage and her attached enclosed playpen. I put them in the 2 spots that she was always going in. At that time, I was still using bedding, so I saved some of the soiled bedding and put it in the pan. She got the idea right away. I covered up other corners of the cage with toys and stuff so she wouldn't choose to go potty somewhere else. I kind of took her options away.