Liners and Pee

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Dec 4, 2009
Indianapolis Area
I have liners and I was wondering how easily visible the pee was on the liner.
My little guy has been home since Saturday and he's pooping up a storm (good, solid poops) and he's drinking about an ounce or two a day (I put a line on the bottle to where I fill it up). The liners are made of two layers of fleece and one layer towel. I'm worried he's just not peeing...
I've felt down the liner, and no leakage from the water bottle, in his tubes, and theres nothing on the shelves either...
I can only see the pee on our fleece on the lighter colored areas. The only way I can think you will know for sure is to take the fleece out and replace it with an old light colored towel.. Someone on here suggested it before, not sure who..
This is the reason I use light colored fleece. I like to know exactly what it coming out of my chins.

You can take out the liner and line the floor with paper towels to make sure he is urinating. Once you know for sure, you can always put the liner back in.
I use fleece, too and was also wondering about the output of pee. I got a square cake pan from a food lion and use pine shavings in it. Luckily, our chin uses it to pee in and it's very obvious when she pees. She doesn't pee at all on the fleece so far. I hope she keeps doing that.
my chin uses a litter pan inside her cage, but she can come and go from her cage as she pleases because I have a large pen attached to her cage. Inside her pen is a cardboard maze and she usually sleeps inside of it. I have a liner underneath it because she tends to go potty in it. It is obvious where she goes potty, it is in the same corner and there will be a mound of poo on top of the urinated area. She seems to prefer one area to soil.
If you look closely, even on dark fleece, you'll be able to see a different colored area.
Is there a chance he's drinking it from himself (ew.) because I know he'll lean down and eat his poo, but he doesn't always come back up with poo/have poo under him after he moves...
Ugh! I have witnessed one of my boys lap up some pee but I won't name him since he is literally in the "dog house" at the moment.
i have seen one of my chins lap their urine.
i can usually tell by the smell if they are urinating, or the fleece may be more stiff in the area they pee.
if i can't see or smell it, i use white paper towels (love the walmart ones!) and then it is easy to tell.
Totally off topic but at my vets office we have a few customers complain that their dogs will drink their own pee....
I found a pee spot! I have never been so excited to see pee in my life before, but there it was. I have this light fabric, but its very busy, so I assume that was the problem.
Thanks so much all.