Light Ebony or Standard? How can you tell?

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May 20, 2012
Bought a baby chinchilla from someone who said he was a light or medium ebony. When i saw him in person, he looked like a standard to me. I asked if he was a standard and she said no. I still bought him because color wasnt that important to me and he seemed healthy and friendly. I will post pics as soon as i figure out how to but meanwhile how can i tell if he is a standard or ebony? Im just curious.
Standards have a nice bright white belly...light ebonies and medium ebonies do not have a bright white belly
Knowing whether it is an ebony or a standard is really only important when breeding. It is nice to know if a chin has ebony in it's background before you breed because you never know when that ebony will show up in it's lines. Depending on what you are breeding for you may or may not want that ebony gene to surface. Other than the bright white belly that a standard should have (I say "should" because many poor quality standards do not), a light or medium ebony should look the same/similar to a standard across the top and back.
Ok checked belly color and its not really white. More of a gray color. So i guess that makes him an ebony?
My little Wakka is a standard and her belly wasn't really white it was more like a dirty white and the older she is getting her belly is really getting
I would consider that a light ebony, personally.
Thats what Wakka's belly looked like before it got And I have no clue on the colors when people ask me I say I have a white, black and gray Very cute baby though.
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Thanks for the replies all. And please dont mind the plastic wheel. I know its a no-no but its only temporary until the chin spin comes in. I only put it in the cage for a while each evening so he can exercise and i make sure he doesnt chew it which so far he has shown no interest in doing so..