Keep away from mom!

Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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Well-known member
May 10, 2011
Central Coast, CA
Last night we gave Sprocket a stick by sliding it through the bars of her cage. She grabbed it in her mouth, jumped off her perch and proceeded to zoom around her cage with the stick in her mouth like a dog! She sat for a while, munching on it. I reached in to try to grab the stick and she started to run around her cage playing "keep away" again! :laughitup: She's done this with pumice and loofah too. I have to get this on film one day.

Does anyone else's chin do this? :rofl:
Bandit runs all over with his sticks and it always makes me nervous that he will fall and hurt himself! (kinda like the running with scissors thing)
hahaha Gus always steals the stick away from me and tries to runaway and jump into his tube but sometimes the sticks are too long so it doesnt quite work..