Just read someone on tumblr saying the advocate getting chins high

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Active member
Aug 15, 2012
asked: so I know this is totally random, but I saw your post about gettin your chinchilla high lol. I've been googling this for months.. I have 2 chinchillas, my female actually just had a baby. but my male chin is my baby boy, and I've always wanted to get him high but I was scared too. but your chin was completely fine when you did it ?

I understand that’s why it took me so long to get my boy high. But once I did he seemed fine, the only different thing I saw was that he ate a LOT more than he usually does in one sitting lol. I let him out to play shortly after and he ran around like normal, if not a bit more spastically. I wouldn’t suggest getting them extremely high and/or hot boxing with them though and don’t get the baby high. Weed does have ill effects on young minds. Which is why kids shouldn’t smoke. If they come up to you while your smoking though I say go for it. :) Also watching him over the last few days he hasn’t seemed any different nor have there been any side effects.

Is anyone else utterly sickened by this?
I don't understand how such incredibly stupid people survive the womb. They shouldn't. They should be nature's abortions.
Ugh honestly I've been a stoner at one point in life. And I know all the research inside and out about this subject both good and bad. There is only one instance in which I would give a chin any canabinoids. If they had cancer or a tumor etc and there is NO way I would 'hot box' an animal. It has more tar content than cigarets, smoking anything is NOT good for you let alone sensitive tinny chin lungs!
This is just dumb people who want to get an animal messed up assuming that it's 'good' and has absolutely no bad properties what so ever. Ever hear the statement freaking dumb stoners!? That's what it comes from. Too many people in the world are just ignorant you will find it in all kinds of ways this is just one of many Unfortunatly.
from the same site, this is the justification

Because it is not sugary and is not fresh. You can give your chinchillas: rose hips, (VERY FEW) raisins, and a LARGE variety of HERBS. Guess what weed is. Yep, a herb. A DRIED herb. That has proven to have healing properties and encourage HEALTHY cell growth. Now maybe I’m being a bad parent for wanting to give my chinchilla an all natural herb with no additives that can help him be healthier but I think I can continue to live with myself. If you want to get on to someone about feeding their chinchillas things that are bad for their system then go yell at the Petstores that try to sell people actual %%% will kill their chins in a year or two. At least what I’m giving him isn’t made in a lab and was put on Earth by the GOD THAT MADE THE CHINCHILLA
oh lord...should I go lick poisonous toads because GOD made them?
Besides that...isn't marijuana kind of expensive to feed to a chinchilla? lol
Actually the marijuana plant material has tinny barbs on it which when consumed can easily cause stomach upset and disrupt digestion. The active ingredients do not but feeding any animal buds is just plain stupid *rolls eyes* also eating raw weed will not have any benefit as the canabinoids need to be activated at certain temperatures again stupid.
Actually the marijuana plant material has tinny barbs on it which when consumed can easily cause stomach upset and disrupt digestion. The active ingredients do not but feeding any animal buds is just plain stupid *rolls eyes* also eating raw weed will not have any benefit as the canabinoids need to be activated at certain temperatures again stupid.

Hey Dawn, maybe you should repost this for that person ;)
I think he hit the nail on the head in his first post where he said that it's bad for young minds. Guess his mom did the same thing to him, that's how he knows...

People are just freakin' dumb, but it's no different than people at the stores, everywhere you look it's obese people with little obese bratty kids. It's sad when our soldiers end up leaving the country they fought for because they can't stand what American's have become, I know several how have. People like this are the reason why. Sorry for the mini rant there...

Either way, there are a lot of natural "herbs" some of these people should eat... and lick that toad.
Deathcap mushrooms are all natural too, must be just as good to consume as this other garbage people are putting into their systems. friggin' idiots.... :banghead:
Why would someone WANT to get their chinchilla high? Especially if the only effect is eating more... Doesn't seem amusing to me.
[not that I would be okay with getting a chinchilla high if there WERE amusing effects, don't get me wrong.]
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To be honest with you this stoned idiot prob hot boxed the chin and then watched it play as it normally does and eat as it normally does but drew the conclusion that the chin was acting funny because EVERY thing is funny when your high 'look he's eating he must have the munchies' lol!
Chin was normal, human is just stupid
from the same site, this is the justification

Because it is not sugary and is not fresh. You can give your chinchillas: rose hips, (VERY FEW) raisins, and a LARGE variety of HERBS. Guess what weed is. Yep, a herb. A DRIED herb. That has proven to have healing properties and encourage HEALTHY cell growth. Now maybe I’m being a bad parent for wanting to give my chinchilla an all natural herb with no additives that can help him be healthier but I think I can continue to live with myself. If you want to get on to someone about feeding their chinchillas things that are bad for their system then go yell at the Petstores that try to sell people actual %%% will kill their chins in a year or two. At least what I’m giving him isn’t made in a lab and was put on Earth by the GOD THAT MADE THE CHINCHILLA

That might hold some water if the chinchilla and marijuana were native to the same area, if weed did not have additives and pesticides, if it was not cultured to have higher than natural THC levels, and if the science about the healing properties and cell growth were not a double edged sword.