Is my baby pregnant?

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Well-known member
Jul 28, 2010
Glen Burnie, Maryland
So I bought my chins as a pair, and later found out they were male and female. I separated them(within the past week), but they were together for some time before being separated. I never thought much of it until I noticed she was being slightly more aggressive towards the other chin. They're usually happily cuddling, but within the past week she wants NOTHING to do with him and nips at him and rips fur anytime he comes near her. This is why I decided to do an online search and decided to 'sex' them and found they were of different sex.

So how exactly would I tell if shes pregnant or not? I've noticed shes been a tad more irritable within the past week. And normal she wont eat her hay but lately shes been chowing down. And whenever I try to hold her, she flips out anytime I touch her tummy. And she used to just sleep puffed up in a ball, but lately has been laying on her side.


its not the best picture, but I didn't want to disturb her too much while she was napping :)
Really, the only good way to tell is when you see kits. Sometimes the moms do lay more on their sides when pregnant... but some of my chins just lay on their sides all the time...

Weight gain is a good indication. If you have a gram scale, I'd start weighing her, and weigh her every so often, see if she's gaining weight. Usually a 100+ gram increase may signify a baby...
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