is it weird to rename your chin?

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Well-known member
Aug 28, 2009
i have had several names for my chinchilla.. for some reason, they never stuck. I always end up calling him chinni or chinchi lol.

if anybody has a cute name that you think i will stick with, feel free to post it!
i think chewy is a cute name.. because he chews everything haha
or curious chin - like curious george, but ..not..a george. hahah.

it just feels kind of weird not having a name for him.. even though i call him chinni a lot- but thats just a short form for chinchilla! hahah
Yea, I have a ton of names for my chin, Chloe. Honestly, most of the time I call her by her formal name is when I am speaking about her in conversation. I have a list of nicknames I call her, with Moosh and Moo-moo topping it. I called her "chinchilla" for like the first month she was here, haha. Then I just naturally settled into Moo or Moo-moo, because, well that's kind of what I call everything. Even my good friend's daughter, I called boo-boo and nu-nu for the first 2 years of her life. Now I call her Skizzles since her name is Skye and she calls me Chicken because she couldn't pronounce Caitlin when she was little and it stuck, unfortunately for me, haha (sometimes I call her nugget, too).

I think the more you talk to him, you'll notice that you'll just naturally start calling him something. I doubt my chin knows her name since I address her by so many of them, but a lot of people have chins that they say recognize their names. I don't think it's weird or bad to rename a chin, it's just a name after all.
I have so many nicknames for all of mine, that I am shocked they know their actual names! I would just stick to calling him whatever you call him because chances are you will end up calling him by a nickname instead! ;)
How about Charlie? For some reason, that popped into my head, and it's not too far from Chinni - Charlie Chinni!
Haha this is so funny because I think everyone on this forum could agree we all have strange nicknames for our chins. Tilly has been Bill (during a time of confusion about her gender), Billy, Bilmo, Gilmo (to combine her and her cagemates name hah) and of course the all important - pooper.

I notice they learn my voice more than their names but thats probably because they have so many names!