introducing 2 8 week old kits and a existing male

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Well-known member
Mar 27, 2011
my male is a bit of a grumpy pants and just putting them in together he acts a bit aggressive. im contemplating smooshing but most people say they trim whiskers. if i do how much should i trim off of them for that??
If the male is non-accepting of the kits at the moment, I wouldn't chance it at this point in time and would wait until the boys are a bit older and larger, and even then, I'd go slow.
Agreed, it does not take much for an adult male to fatally wound a fully grown male or female chin...let alone an 8wk old. Wait it out, it'll be worth not having to deal with a wounded chin :)

As far as whisker trimming goes, should you try smooshing at a later time...I've trimmed them the whole way down on all chins involved.
i have them seperated. the whole time they were together i had the door open and made sure the older male wouldnt go near the babies. now he kinda sits in the corner and the babies are way more interested in him and tries to go near him but he kacks and then kinda moves towards them but doesnt get them. so there is some progress but no way in heck am i leaving them together without me literly sitting with my hands in there to make sure nothing happens to my little babies. i wish he was more like my other female. when i moved momma and the one little girl in the new cage calista fell in love with the little girl and instantly started to cuddle and share wood treats. slow and steady it is for the introductions of the boys. draken is not amused tho. the little boys are in the brand new fn and hes in a older cage lol
First here is a link to the FAQ for intro

Now my questions for you.
1. What are the genders on the kits? I know it is not much of a concern for now, but introing a female is not a good idea, especially if you intend to keep them.
2. Which cage are you trying to intro in? If it is the male's that could be part of the issue. He is in his space and therefore is territorial.

On a side note I was able to intro my two females with the smoosh method without having to trim their wiskers at all. They just decided after three smoosh sessions that they loved each other. I do have to agree with the others though on little ones and introing to big boys, at least if he is showing aggression. Good luck.
Both the kits I'm introducing to the existing male are boys. I had a litter of triplets 2 boys 1 girl. The girl was quickly accepted by my other female and her moms in the cage with her. I actually just got a cm cage and none of the chins were in it first. I now have the older male in a cage right next to it so they can smell each other giving them a little time before I retro intro. Thanks for the link ill be reading it to see if I can find a method