Ingrown Hair

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Well-known member
Jan 31, 2009
East Hartford, CT
My chin Jass recently had to have a C-section and so they shaved her belly. I check on her everyday to make sure that her belly is clean and the staples are free of debris. I don't need for her to get an infection on top of surgery. Yesterday during one of my cleanings I noticed some white bumps on her belly, but not near the incision or staples. I believe these are ingrown hairs. Has anyone every had this with a shaved chin in the past? Is there any good way to unblock the pore and clear these up so that my chin won't get an infection from them? I'm sure that if she didn't have a cone on her head she'd be taking care of them herself, however she tries ripping out her staples as soon as the cone is removed from her head for any length of time! Any ideas would be appreciated. Thanks!

Could it be the dissolvable sutures inside that are feeling bumpy a little ways away from the incision? I wouldn't be too worried about it though. It sometimes takes awhile for the fur to grow back when they shave for a c-section. If it is little ingrown hairs, it will most likely take care of itself in the next few weeks.

I hope that Jass is eating and doing well. A c-section can be so hard on mama chins. How is the incision looking? I hope that it's healing up. It seems to take about six or seven weeks for a mama chin to be completely herself again and even then the fur on her little belly isn't normal.
I agree, ask the vet when you take her in to have the staples removed. :) Ask a lot of questions about how she's healing and if everything looks normal. My poor vet always has to deal with a dozen questions with things like this when I go back in for a check up or to have sutures removed.
Could it be the dissolvable sutures inside that are feeling bumpy a little ways away from the incision?

I don't believe that i is, they look much like little whiteheads.

I hope that Jass is eating and doing well. A c-section can be so hard on mama chins. How is the incision looking?

Jass is doing alright, though she isn't eating nearly as much as I'd like her to. I was thinking of giving her a little critical care so that I know she's getting enough. The incision though is looking good and healing up quite nicely.
