I have put my chinchillas together. . .

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Chinch and Chilla
Jul 18, 2011
Everything is going really well with them. They are very happy and very good with eachother, but since I put them together. . .I find that they don't like me as much.

How do I bond with my two chinchillas? Or is it just a lost cause now.
quite often when you have two chins bonded to each other, they'll bond less with their human. i know i'll have to accept that if Rhino and Guss live nicely with each other when i intro them.

just keep loving them and spoiling them, they'll know you're the food dispenser. lol!
when i had my three degus (siblings, adopted and already fixed), i remember reading about people who had just one who was affectionate and trained to do little tricks. when they went to the vet, we asked if maybe our degus hated us for some reason. the vet got a good laugh out of that, and said no, that they liked us fine--they just liked each other more. he even said that he thought they were happier living in a "colony" than alone, and that it was the way he liked best to see degus and chinchillas.
i have to admit, knowing that, i've felt guilty on and off getting Jonesy all by herself, but she's a feisty baby, and i don't want to see her lose her other ear to another cagemate. still, i haven't ruled out getting her a friend when she's older.
you're doing the best thing for your animals--if they're happy, that's the biggest thing, even if it's hard for us comparatively-boring, non-furry people.