I had a wierd dream last night!

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Well-known member
Mar 15, 2012
Texas, USA
I had a dream that I went to PetSmart with my dad, they had 10 chinchillas. Five in two aquariums. I decided to get one, she was a beautiful white mosaic(I knew it was a dream because I got her for $45 at petsmart). I put her in a travel carrier and by the time we got to the truck she had birthed three kits. As I was trying to get them to stay in the cage long enough to get to home depot and get hardware cloth, I woke up.....I guess I had this dream because I've been wanting to get Eleanor a cage mate. Man, I don't want that many! I don't know what I would do if I accidentally got a pregnant chinnie. Any tips on getting a cage mate? I pretty much have two of everything already. Eleanor is about 1 year old, is it too late?
Do you want to breed her?

If you are just thinking of a friend, it may or may not be too late.
How long have you had her? There is a chance she may not like sharing her cage. If she does like having a friend it could also change her relationship with you. Meaning, your bond might not be as close as it is not. It could also stay the same.

If you decide to get another chin, take introductions slowly. The one intro I tried failed. Shelly was not a fan, and I only tried joint playtimes.

Button and Artemis came to me as a pair. They were already bonded and are devoted to one another. Button likes me and begs for attention. Artemis, tolerates me. It really depends on your chin.
I've had her for about a month or so. My friend got her when she was 9 months old from Pet Land. I'm not sure if she was alone at the pet store.
I would wait a while. The two of you are still getting to know each other. Waiting a few months would not change whether or not she will accept a cage mate.