I don't know what to do!!

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Well-known member
Jul 13, 2009
Hi all. I decided to get a 2nd chin, not for a cage mate, just another pet. I found an adult female chin that needs a home. Her owner is great,loves her and takes great care of her,but she is allergic to the chin and the hay and the dust. I said I would take her. I get the chin,big cage and all her stuff for $100.00. Then today I get a call from a friend who said that her friend needs to re-home her chin,and here is a photo. OMG! the poor little chin! its a female and she is in a big cage with 3 shelves,but she only has a tiny food dish(hamster sized) and a water bottle, thats it! No house,wood,toys, nothing! Her fur looks like she has never had a bath.She also looks sad,although she could be just tired.There is insulation right above the cage! I want to get her out of there,but the owner wants $100 too. I have commited to the other one already. I have no problem taking both if I had the $200! I called our SPCA and they don't take chins! I can back out of the other deal,but what if this one needs a lot of vet care? I am posting photos so you can see.I just want her out of there.I cannot sleep. I am so very miserable.
Photos of poor chin

I cant help sorry as i live in the uk but someone really needs to take her,i have got tears in my eyes she looks so sad and i am suprised she isnt eating the insulation!!!
Holy cripes. Tough decision. I'm wracking my brain trying to help you figure out a way to take both. Maybe your friend's friend can hold on to that chinnie until you can scrape up another $100. Even though it would leave that chinnie in that condition a while longer, at least you know it'll be safe with you in a couple weeks or so. Let us know what you decide.
Tell your friends friend about this poor little girl. Maybe she will allow you to take her and pay her later. Maybe there is something you can sell on Craigs list to get some extra money? You could try offering $50.00
Both of her eyes look wet to me, meaning she quite possibly has teeth problems. It could be caused by something else, but if you get her, that's the first thing I would check.
Doesn't look like she has any wood to chew on or hay so may have tooth problems but if it's environmental could be fixable. Poor little thing. I hope she gets a good home. In the meantime can u suggest they give her some things to chew on ?
While I agree with Becky about possible teeth issues, it is quite possible it's a ventilation issue. I've been to a couple places where the chins were kept in basements and their eyes looked like that. Once they were out where there was proper ventilation, dusted, and the humidity cut, their eyes improved. Either way though, I would have her checked by a vet to be sure there are no teeth issues.

I would actually do the opposite if it was me. I would tell the lady with the healthy chin that you have come across this one and that you want to get it out of a bad situation. Show her the pictures. Then ask her if you can wait to get hers until you can raise the $100.00 for her, but that you could make payments on her until you get her.

Other than that, find a rescue in your area. See if they can get her out of there. Poor thing. She looks miserable. :(
Thanks all. Yeah, neither side will come down on the price. My friends cannot take her they have allergies.I do have some stuff for sale online,maybe that will help. Does anyone know of a rescue in BC? The SPCA sure does not care!
That's sad that the SPCA doesn't care. That's their job, to care. I did a search for you, and this is what I could come up with, Good Luck!


Kingsboro Chinchillas (Ilse)
Location: Kingsboro, Prince Edward Island, Canada
Site: www.kingsborochins.com
Email: [email protected]
Specifics regarding taking in chins: All chins that require a permanent, loving home or placement with a permanent home.

Melissa Keith
Location: Halifax & Kentville, NS, Canada
Phone: (902)678-1938
Specifics regarding taking in chins: Can help foster chinchillas and find them forever homes.
Other animals: Guinea pigs

Location: Kingston, Ontario, Canada
Email: [email protected]
Specifics regarding taking in chins: Cannot take in chinchillas that require expensive vet care.
Other animals: Hedgehogs and ferret.

Kim McKay
Location: Kitchener, Ontario, Canada
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (519)744-7366
Specifics regarding taking in chins: Able to take in chinchillas in need of a home and TLC. May be able to pick up, if distance is not too extreme.

Baronian Alex
Location: Delta, B.C., Canada
Email: [email protected]
Specifics regarding taking in chins: Able to take in any chinchilla to be cared for until a forever home is found.

Susan Jensen
Location: Grande Prairie, Alberta, Canada
Email: [email protected]
Other animals: Hedgehogs, fish, and some reptiles

Jennifer Delaney
Location: Welland, Ontario, Canada
Email: [email protected]
Specifics regarding taking in chins: Able to take all chins in need of a caring and loving home.

Location: Mississauga, Ontario, Canada
Email: [email protected]
Other animals: Birds, rodents, small reptiles, and other small animals that cannot be taken care of or are not wanted

Lizz Wilson
Location: Mississauga, Ontario, Canada
Site: Original Chinchillas
Email: [email protected]
Specifics regarding taking in chins: All chinchillas in need of new homes, regardless of condition. Contact to determine if space is available.

Selena Sylvain
Location: Cambridge, Ontario, Canada
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (519)651-0246
Specifics regarding taking in chins: Will take healthy chins and provide a forever home.
Hi all, I have decided to buy her, when a cheque I am waiting on gets here. The other lady will just have to wait.I am not working,due to an injury so I have lots of time to give to this chin and space. If anyone has anything they could donate,I would appreciate it. I think she may need a vet too,so I have to prepare for that also. She has nothing, no house,no wheel,no toys,nothing to chew,no fleece anything. Just what is in the photos, and she is 4 yrs old! With me not working money is tight for another 6 months, so anything you could send would be put to good use. I know I am in Canada and there will be a shipping cost. I am sorry to ask,but I just cannot leave her there.I have asked some rescue places and posted this elsewhere, but I seem to be the closest, at about 2hrs from her.I did talk to avet about donating her time,but I have not got a concrete answer yet. Thankyou all very much.Mel.
I know you want to rescue this chin, but you are going from one to three animals that can be very expensive to get good vet care for, and you are asking for donations of vet care?
I am concerned you may be letting your heart get you in over your head financially. Has no one else expressed an interest in this chin?
I know you want to rescue this chin, but you are going from one to three animals that can be very expensive to get good vet care for, and you are asking for donations of vet care?
I am concerned you may be letting your heart get you in over your head financially. Has no one else expressed an interest in this chin?

I agree. It is not fair to this chinchilla if you are hard pressed for money. What if the vet bills get into the hundreds, thousands? If she has teeth issues, which looks possible from that pictures, that very well could happen..and quickly. What if the chins you currently have end up needing vet care, but you have no money because it was all spent on this chin? I don't think it's fair to the chins you have now, or this chin in need. In order to rescue, you need to be stabile in your finances.
having just rescued a chin.........i have to agree. if you cant afford the vet than dont get the pet. i have a chin with malo that has drained me of well over $1000 and the chances that my other two will need veterinary care are very high because of their unknown background. i thought about that before getting him, because he has already had a rough life and i want to be able to provide him the life he deserves.

if you feel you need to rescue this pet, perhaps you can just foster the chin until you find a rescue or someone in a better financial situation than yourself.
that way you get the best of both.
Chins are expensive to nurse back to health. I just rescued a little guy a few weeks ago and with the teeth filings, giardia checks, and more checks for malo on Thursday, I'm pretty much going broke. I have almost spent well into the thousands on this little guy, and that's WITH an employee discount. You said you're going to see if the vet can donate some time. If she can't, and you still want to take in this one, maybe ask about payment plans.

I know you want to rescue this chin, but you are going from one to three animals that can be very expensive to get good vet care for, and you are asking for donations of vet care?
I am concerned you may be letting your heart get you in over your head financially. Has no one else expressed an interest in this chin?

Well I cannot leave her there! No no one else is close enough to take her.I have been down a list of just over 15 possibilities.The nearest rescue is a day away and they don't "buy" chins or take them away from people. The SPCA here said that they are not equipped,whatever that means. I am asking for vet care donations if they are needed and only because someone else offered it first,it was not my idea.I hope if it comes to that, that the donations can go directly to the vet,not to me. If anyone can send anything like wood,bed,wheel,fleece etc that would work too. She has a cage, a dish,a water bottle that is it. I have a ton of time, I can afford pellets/hay for 3.I was injured and am still recovering so yes money is tight,but that is a temp situation.Its the one big out put for everything at once,at this time that is difficult. I have a hubby/two teens who love to help out with cage cleaning etc.I would re-home her when she is healthy if I could not handle it.I did not go looking for a chin to rescue,she was found by a friend by accident.I also have the room.I did small rodent rescues for 8yrs before this,I stopped because I planned on getting a couple of chins and knew I could not do both. of course there were next to no vet bills for hamsters/rats,mice etc. I am letting my heart get in over my head,that is the way I am. My heart is on my sleeve and I always go with my gut. My gut tells me that this chin is giong to die if she is not re-homed,probably slow and painfully.In fact she is dying a little everyday in that place. If I can get her and give her a better home, then I have to try. I would at least have her put to sleep if there were nothing to be done.Do you think her owners now would? If they cannot be bothered to pay for her basic needs,I doubt they would pay the vet fee to put her down.They would probably let her die slowly/painfully. No one has to give a thing,If people can they can, if not then thats ok. I have only asked because it was brought to my attention that some people wanted to do so.I am also talking to the actual vets to see if they can donate to help THIS chin, not "my" chin, before I take her,IF there are major problems when and if I bring her home. Someone HAS to do something! Getting her out of there is the first step. Someone has to do it? How do you think animal rescues etc get started in the first place. FYI I have said no to the wonderful, healthy, velvet, pricy chin going for cheap who is a huge cuddler that I am already attatched to,and it breaks my heart, because I do what is best and I know she has a better chance at a good home faster than this poor mangy dear little chin.Hey if someone else can come and buy her they by all means do! I am in Canada,there are not a lot of options.I wanted a chin 4yrs before I actually went out and got one,it was a very well thought out and planned thing,not a spur of the minute thing at a pet store,I did allergy tests before and bought all that I needed over time.Then an accident,that was not my fault happens right after I get my chin and boom,we are on one income temporarly. I am a married mom of 2 going on 40,not a silly 14yr old girl. If asking for help is such an issue here at this forum I can gladly go elsewhere.Sorry. Mel.
having just rescued a chin.........i have to agree. if you cant afford the vet than dont get the pet. i have a chin with malo that has drained me of well over $1000 and the chances that my other two will need veterinary care are very high because of their unknown background. i thought about that before getting him, because he has already had a rough life and i want to be able to provide him the life he deserves.

if you feel you need to rescue this pet, perhaps you can just foster the chin until you find a rescue or someone in a better financial situation than yourself.
that way you get the best of both.

So I just let her die?
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