How sensitive are chins to noise during the day?

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Active member
Jan 10, 2013
Hi there,

I don't have a chin yet but have been researching fiendishly for the past few weeks in anticipation. I want to be 100% sure that my bf and I are ready to bring this sensitive little creature into our lives before we pull the trigger.

During the week, we both work white collar jobs and will only be home for a few hours at dawn and dusk which will be perfect for little chin sleep cycles. However, we just considered that on the weekends, we'll actually be home and talking to each other, watching movies, etc. during the day.

Because we have a very tiny apt, we can only house a proper sized cage (I'm pretty decided on the FN 182) in our living room, where the computer/tv and pretty much all activity occurs.

Will our weekend lifestyle be prohibitively disruptive to our chin(s)? Are there any options for covering the cage etc. to minimize the irritation?

Thanks so much for your responses!
Chins adjust perfectly to normal living conditions. I always leave either a radio or tv on for my chins so they are used to some noise (normal living conditions)
Our house is noisy and active about 20 hours of the day (3 diff schedules) All 5 chins live in the living room and it doesn't bother them one bit
They do great with noise and seem to enjoy it a great deal as long as it isn't super loud or sudden noises. Mine enjoy their country music, which is on all the time or they get angry and bark at me until it goes back on in their rooms. They also seem to love movies and video games and music and people talking and even jack hammering outside...they are fine with vacuuming and regular household noises. I don't think you'll have a problem at all. :)
I have a macaw who likes to be a moron and scream at the top of his lungs for whatever unknown reason. The chins sleep through it.
Mine stay at my business during the day, its noisy but they don't care, they actually get more stressed in silence-always have to have some noise for them.
Mine don't like any noise when they are trying to sleep. Which is real convenient since I'm here all day. But they manage anyway. I would imagine yours would be fine with it to as long as your noise ain't obscenely loud.

Thanks everyone for the responses! Knowing what other chin owners' lifestyles are like is really helpful in assessing how we need to alter ours. :)
My chin is in the same room with parakeets and an annoying quaker parrot who squawks as soon as it gets light out. I have a noisy chihuahua and 2 boys who run after a doberman. My house is never quiet, but does get quite loud at times. My chin has never been bothered by all of the commotion. She even came to the edge of her pen to try to touch "noses" with the vacuum cleaner today as I was cleaning.