how long can a new chin hold out on eating?

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New member
Feb 1, 2015
Just brought home a wonderful little guy yesterday from a breeder. He was so calm yesterday, but when we got him home, he got nervous and stressed. I knew to expect it so I didn't worry too much. Most of last night he cried, but that has stopped, so I think we are heading in the right direction. However he isn't moving around the cage all that much. Just sticking to the back corner. I don't think he's sick-just scared/shy. I haven't seen him eat or drink (but he did take a dust bath in the middle of the night). He has fresh hay, pellets, and water... When should I get nervous that he isn't eating or drinking? Tia
He may be eating, just little bits. If he's pooping, he's eating. If he stops pooping, then you have problems.