How do you know when a mom is done littering and should I be doing anything?

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Yes, you are looking for weight gain - that would be positive - they could stay the same which would also be somewhat positive. Loss would not be ideal.
I would start supplementing the smallest one now. It is so small that you don't have much room for any weight loss. If the other one does not start gaining by tomorrow, you will need to supplement it, too.
I have really been trying to remain optimistic with regards to Ava but this is the first time I am actually getting nervous for her. I am hoping that she was just tired and wanting to sleep but she didn't seem spunky when I looked in on her a little bit ago. I have tried feeding her a couple of times now and Che did tell me it may take her a while to catch on but it almost seems as if she doesn't have a "swallow reflex". I am using a Pet Ag nurser and squeezing a drop onto her bottom lip but them she does nothing. I have tried tickling her chin to get her to swallow as well as rub her head. Are there any tricks to this one? I typically weigh her late at night but I did just weigh her and she is at 27g so I'll admit now I am worried. I know because of her low weight the odds weren't in her favor but if she can just get that swallow reflex going I'll feed her till she busts well not really but you know what I am saying. The time feeding is no issue for me as I am a stay at home mom. Are there any tricks to get her to actually take the milk?
Rub her belly in a circular motion when she has a drop on her lips. I use my thumb and roll right over the belly a few times and 90% of the time it gets the kits to start licking and drinking.

Honestly, if she is uninterested in the milk, her chances are even lower. We can't force babies to have a will to survive no matter how much we wish for it. I've lost some babies that were 42g because they were premature and wouldn't eat anything. She may not be nursing, but just clinging to the mom for comfort.
I was going to say the same thing...the times I've had success with handfeeding, it was because the kits WANTED to feed. Granted, it does take them a bit getting used to...but it's not looking good. One of the "not going to make it" signs I look for in kits like this is the not licking the formula from their lips :( keep trying, it's not over till it's over and as metnioned, she may not actually be feeding under mom, or not feeding enough (obviously). Keep us posted.
I just had her upstairs with me for the past half hour trying to feed her. I tried the belly rub. I have to finally accept that most likely she was just underdeveloped plain and simple. It is what it is. My heart isn't entirely broke. Avery is still doing ok although I have not weighed her yet today. I just put Ava back in with mom to say goodbye. Oceanne knows I saw the look in her eye. She just put her head down on Ava and kinda just tucked her under her. It sucks but it is life. I have a feeling next time I go to check on her she will be gone.
Sorry to hear this Rhonda, especially as this is your first litter. You may still be surprised. Hopefully the other one will continue to do well for you.
Thanks Juanita. I talked to Che and she thinks that since chins have 2 uteruses that the little one was pre-mature. That makes sense because her eyes weren't open yet. And yes unfortunately little Ava passed. Avery is still fine I'll weigh her later tonight.
Sorry to hear about Ava :( Just hard for them being so little and its never easy even when you know it's coming. They are just so darn cute you get attached to the little fuzzies even when they've only been here a day or so. I had one born 16g smallest Ive ever seen (other sibling was a giant next to her at full size) and she was missing part of her back leg and I knew it wouldnt make it but I still sobbed for the loss of the little life when I found her body. :(

Very good that Avery is up 1g. Keep an eye on her, but its a good sign she's gaining.
I'm so sorry about Ava, but am happy to hear Avery is starting to gain. Best of luck that she continues to thrive for you and the rest of your kit experience can be positive and fun. Congrats!
Thanks guys! The momma I thought was going to give birth first did today! So far we have a 58g little black velvet boy!!! I just checked her and she feels squishier not really hard so I am not sure if she is done yet but I think so.