Hmmmm... mint leaves? Other Herbs?

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Christina Noraas

Sep 28, 2010
Mc Grath, Minnesota
I grow a lot of my own herbs because it just simply costs to much now a days to buy it from a store, especially if its organic.

I was just curious if my chins would be able to eat dried mint leaves? Or a list of other herbs they can eat would be great. I oven dry them myself and are grown in our house or out side in the garden, they have their own little area so no other plants are able to contaminate them and they are not treated in any way because it ruins the taste and/or smell.

Also, I've heard that rose hips and buds are okay for them to eat if they are dried and untreated, we have mini roses here would those be okay too? Or not because they are a hybrid?

Any information about various plants that are known to be okay and not okay for chins would be great because in the spring I work for a local plant nursery and I know for a fact that they don't treat their plants, thank you for any and all replies!
that is an excellant site! it is where i got a lot of my info when selecting herbs.

i give my boys herbs, in moderation. i mix many herbs, flowers, oats, etc all together & come up with a nice blend and then give each guy a nice pinch every night, with all the ingredients they only get a couple little pieces of each.

my boys love the dried rose petals. i give them crushed rosehips & not the whole ones.
both of those items are in my mix.
My chins have had camomille sp? tea, the kind that is not in a bag but loose leaves. And mint leaves. It is really important to not give too many treats,
My chins love peppermint leaves and rose petals I grow my herbs and Roses for my fur family, lol I have chamomile,mint, lavender, and roses. I wish I could grow Hybiscus(sp) here but I actually have a brown thumb kids keep my plants alive.